Bicaz Lake

Bicaz Lake

Lake Izvorul Muntelui, also known as Lake Bicaz, is an artificial lake created after the completion of a dam built on the Bistrița River.  The dam was built between 1950 and 1960;  the lake has a length of 40 km (25 mi), an area of 31 km2 (12 sq mi) and a maximum volume of 1,250 billion m³.  The lake is a tourist destination in the region, where visitors take the ferryboat from Bicaz port for a short trip on the lake and to view Mount Ceahlău on the west shore.  In the 1960s and 1970s there was regular ferry service between the Bicaz port and the villages on the lake shore.  Unused card.  Grade: 1

Name: Bicaz Lake

From: EUROPE/Romania

Code: 20544146

Price: $4.00