Ercolano, Scena del Teatro

Ercolano, Scena del Teatro

Ercolano’s fortunes are historically linked to Mt. Vesuvius:  Ercolano, a town and comune in the City of Naples, lies at the western foot of Vesuvius on the Bay of Naples. The medieval town of Resina was built on the volcanic material left by the eruption of Vesuvius (79 AD) that destroyed the ancient city of Herculaneum, from which the present name is derived. Ercolano is a resort and also manufactures leather goods, buttons, glass, and the wine known as Lacryma Christi (Tears of Christ).  As for this postcard, which looks as old as the original eruption, it’s unused and has a slightly wavy surface on the reverse.  Grade: 2

Name: Ercolano, Scena del Teatro

From: EUROPE/Italy

Code: 20527238

Price: $2.00