Hong Kong Delicacies (set)

Long explanation follows for these amazing cards. Each set has four 4-1/4″ x 7-3/8″ cards, lenticular printing (3D) on heavy, heavy stock. Each of the four cards has a food or drink typical of Hong Kong, and each card has a pre-printed stamp corresponding to the picture–like a Maximum Card, but not quite the same. Hong Kong Post defines these as “Postage Prepaid Picture Card Series No. 48,” with the pre-printed stamp valid for airmail to anywhere.
We have 11 of these sets in total. All are in their original cellophane wrap. Five sets have no postmark. Two sets have the special “Hong Kong GPO” postmark. Two sets have a special “Philatelic Bureau” postmark. The other two sets have a special “Hong Kong Delicacies” postmark. Those without postmarks are US$22 per set. Those with postmarks are US$26 per set (first day of issue). Feel free to ask for more details, though we’re not sure what else we can say. All are Grade: 1.