m.s. Sangola and m.s. Santhia

This unused real-photo card comes with identification of the British India Steam Navigation Company’s vessels, m.s. Sangola and m.s. Santhia. With credit to Mr. R. Goossens for his impressive background research: “The first of B.I.’s, “S” Class Trio of ships, M.S. Sangola was handed over to her owners in June 1947, followed by the M.S. Sirdhana in December of that same year. The third of the Trio, M.S. Santhia, was delivered to B.I. in November 1950. This fine “S” Class Trio of Ships had been especially constructed for British India’s post-war Calcutta-Far East service, which was known as the “Apcar Route”, – which B.I. had obtained from the “Apcar” family back in 1912. … It was on March 26, 1963, M.S. Sangola was sold to “Nichimen & Co” a Japanese ship-breaker, and she was broken up at Mishear, Japan later that year. ” As for the Santhia, “The M.S. Santhia was with sold to the Shipping Corporation of India, and the transfer took place at Bombay on December 6, 1966. She was renamed “State of Haryana” and she was placed in one of their services. In November 1976 she suffered a collapse of her auxiliary boilers … the only option was to sell the now 26-year-old ship to the breakers. On January 2, 1977, she was sold to “Zain & Co.,” of Bombay for breaking up”. Now we know the card itself makes it look as if there’s only one significant ship, but we take the publishers at their word. A nice piece of maritime history. Grade: 1