Maximum Cards of Taiwan Relics Postage Stamps (Issue of 2020) (set of 4) (Taiwan)

First, despite what’s written on the cardboard cover for this set, these are not maximum cards. They have no stamps and no postmarks. But they are unused, and show Gongziliao Fort, the Railway Division of Taiwan Governor General’s Bureau of Transportation, Dalongdong Baoan Temple, and Tainan District Court Building. Chunghwa Post is strange this way. We once went into one of its philatelic branches and saw a similar set of “maximum” cards without stamps. When we pointed this out to the clerk, she said — in effect — oh yes, that’s how we do it, and took out some stamps and a postmark chop so she could do it on the spot. (But not all Taiwanese maximum cards are managed this way.) Grade: 1