New York City, Central Park, The Obelisk

This structure really has a history, and what the caption may not tell you, Wikipedia does (condensed here): Cleopatra’s Needle is one of three similarly named Egyptian obelisks. It was erected in Central Park on February 22, 1881, secured in 1877 by judge Elbert E. Farman, the US Consul General at Cairo, as a gift from the Khedive for the US remaining neutral as European powers – France and Britain – maneuvered to secure control of the Egyptian government. Made of red granite, the obelisk stands 21m (69 ft) high and is inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs. It was originally erected in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis in 1475 BC. Inscriptions were added about 200 years later by Ramesses II. The obelisks were moved to Alexandria and set up in the Caesareum – a temple built by Cleopatra in honor of Mark Antony or Julius Caesar – by the Romans in 12 BC, during the reign of Augustus, but were toppled some time later. This had the fortuitous effect of burying their faces and so preserving most of the hieroglyphs from the effects of weathering.” We’ve included all this because there’s a good chance you walk past this every day and didn’t have any idea. Unused old card. Grade: 1