Polar Adventure (set)

Polar Adventure (set)

As reference, this set is included as one of the four different sets in 20308557A/B.  Issued by Hongkong Post in 2013, this set of eight “lovely and precious animals viz. Arctic Fox, Gentoo Penguin, King Penguin, Northern Sea Lion, Pacific Walrus, Snowy Owl, Southern Rockhopper Penguin, and Spotted Seal” on postage-prepaid postcards measures about 7-1/2″ x 10″ and consists of the cards wrapped in a designed cover and further wrapped in heavy plastic.  We have eight sets available, all unused, but they differ in these ways:  four sets have no postmarks (Grades: 1, $28) and four sets have datestamped first-day postmarks (Grades: 1, $34).



Name: Polar Adventure (set)

From: EAST AND SOUTH ASIA/Hong Kong SAR of China

Code: 20308558

Price: $28.00