Rome, Tomb of Cecelia Metella

The most important thing to note is a major abrasion on the lower left of this card, mailed in 1963, whose stamp and postmark are still there. And who was Cecelia Metella? Turns out there were several people by that name, all ancient, though this one’s story is: “The Tomb of Caecilia Metella is located just outside Rome at the three mile marker of the Via Appia. It was built during the 1st century BC to honor the daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus, a consul in 69 BC, and the wife of the Marcus Licinius Crassus who served under Julius Caesar and was the son of the famous triumvir with the same name, Marcus Licinius Crassus. The mausoleum was probably built in 30–10 BCE by her son.” Abridged from Wikipedia, that is still probably more than you wanted to know. Grade: 4