Shenzhen City (5 sets of 10 cards each)

We debated the best way to post these, and settled on what you see here. Five sets of cards show aspects of Shenzhen. Each set has its own theme: Shenzhen Parkscapes, Shenzhen Heritages, Shenzhen Kaleidoscope, Shenzhen Architectures, and Shenzhen Azure. Each set comes in a plastic container (see lower right of our scan) encircled by a paper wrap with appropriate title. The rest of the scan shows typical front and reverse of one of the cards in each set. They are still in their original cello-wrap. Sets may date from about 2012 and would — we think — be definitive of the city at the time. We decided not to break up this “set of sets” because it deserves to stay together, but we have not opened all the wrappers to verify everything — they came direct from a China Post unit. So if you are interested, you either accept them as they are or we can open them for you to verify each has its own 10 cards. In the event, total cost is for all five sets; everything is Grade: 1