“Toothpicks” from a Northwest Forest

“Toothpicks” from a Northwest Forest

We never quite know how to handle cases like this.  There are a total of four cards with this identical caption.  Three are unused C.T. Art-Colortone cards 2B-H355 (869), linen, each aged; two have sticker stains on the reverse (Grades: 3, $0.50) and one has no stain (Grade: 1, $1).  The fourth card comes from Wesley Andrews 29989-N, is not linen, is not postally used, and has some writing on the back.  The base photo is the same as those other cards, but the sky is different.  And all this was in the days before computer manipulation.  For this fourth card, Grade: 3 ($.50).  Also note, these are not the same as cards with the same picture that are attributed to Washington, or Oregon, or Idaho, or all of those.

Name: “Toothpicks” from a Northwest Forest

From: THEMES/Timber, Lumber, Sawmills

Code: 40300004

Price: $1.00