

You will need to take our word for this.  Over 40+ years we saved paper-wrapped toothpicks.  They come from restaurants, airlines, clubs, and hotels — mostly but not exclusively from Asia.  We have not counted them, and there are duplicates.  We’re guessing several hundred pieces in total.  Some look new, others are highly aged.   Some may be degraded.  They fill a plastic ice cream tub to bursting and are completely, really unsorted.   If you buy them, we will wrap that tub “as is” and send them off to you but we need to find the cost of postage first.   Absolutely no guarantees about what’s here, but the scan gives you a good idea and we do know some of them are quite special.  Ungraded.  $50.

Name: Toothpicks

From: BEYOND POSTCARDS/Miscellaneous

Code: 50000001

Price: $50.00