Rio Cacheu
We would very much like to think this card ever saw Guinea Bissau, but we’re not so sure about that. Made by Veba in the Czech Republic, and unused. Grade: 1
Guine Portuguesa, multiple views
Clockwise on this unused vintage postcard: Ponte-Cais, Diogo Gomes, Aspecto parcial da Camara. Grade: 1
Bissau, Vista da Ponte-Cais
Unused “FOTO SERRA” vintage postcard 134. Grade: 1
Grupo de Muculmanos
Unused old card, slightly aging but clean. Grade: 1
Danca do compo
Unused card, where someone whited-out the “Bissau” at the top and then wrote Bissau over that, but the correct name does appear in two other places. Grade: 4
Three men
We wonder what happened to the photographer soon after this picture was taken. Unused card from 2006, with a name written into the message area. Grade: 3