Sichuan scenery
Mailed in 2015 with stamp, postmark, and a hotel chop maybe indicating it was sent from there. Grade: 2
Xinjiang, Collecting Grapes
Beginning a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Grade: 1
Xinjiang, Dabancheng Wind Power Station
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Two of these are available. Grades: 1
Xinjiang, Uyghur Musical Instrument Store
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Grade: 1
Xinjiang, White Harbah
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. In our ignorance, we thought “White Harbah” might be the species of tree, but in fact it’s the name of a village. Grade: 1
Xinjiang, Arts of Pottery
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Grade: 1
Xinjiang, Aidakli Mosque
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Grade: 1
Xinjiang, The crouching dragon bay
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Two of these are available. Grades: 1
Xinjiang, The Diversiform-Leaved Poplar Forests
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Grade: 1
Xinjiang, The Wrestle on the Horseback
Continuing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. Two of these are available. We think it’s a terrific card, looking so much like an expensive painting from the 1700s. Grades: 1
Xinjiang, Tu Yu Gou
Completing a series of unused 4″ x 6-1/2″ cards from this remote and exotic province. By the way, one Chinese source gives the location as “in the middle piece of Flaming Mountain, Shanshan County, 47km East of Turpan”. Grade: 1
GuangXi, Clouds surge up around the hills of fairyland
This is a pretty card, with captions in four languages. Stamp and postmark from 2011. Red bilingual Par Avion chop. Grade: 1
2006 Lunar New Year Chinese Government lottery card 842926
It’s too late for you to win the lottery (details on the back of the card), but don’t feel bad. The prizes are, let’s say, usually “modest”. Mailed in 2010, with a Dog stamp and postmark. Grade: 1
2009 Lunar New Year Chinese Government lottery card
Mailed in 2011, with three different stamps, two postmarks, and red bilingual airmail chop. Grade: 2
2012 Lunar New Year Chinese Government lottery card 386965
See our entries 20307267 or 38000054 for details. Grade: 1
2012 Lunar New Year Chinese Government lottery card 491231
See our entries 20307267 or 38000054 for details. The lottery’s over! Grade: 1
2012 Lunar New Year Chinese Government lottery card 058609
See our entries 20307267 or 38000054 for details. The lottery’s over! Grade: 1
Yellow River (set of 10)
This set of ten cards focuses on scenes near or on the Yellow River. Issued in 2015, each card has a similar (and postmarked) stamp on the back. Our scan shows two fronts and one back, for your reference. We wish they were Maximum Cards, but the stamps are on the reverse. Otherwise unused. Two sets are available. Grades: 1
China’s dream of the people’s happiness (folio)
Entry 20307794A shows the cover of this 8-3/8″ x 11-1/4″ item, typical of many other PR China folios: inside front and back covers plus five very sturdy cardboard pages containing assorted individual stamps, stamp strip, stamp sheetlet, stamped envelopes, and four stamped (on the front) postcards. Nothing has a postmark, so the postcards are not maximum cards. Entry 20307794B shows the four postcards. Grade: 1
The Great Wall at Badaling
Unused but heavily handled, larger (5-1/8″ x 7-1/8″) card with some storage marks on the back. Grade: 3
The Great Wall at Jinshanling, night view
Unused card. Grade: 1
The Great Wall at Simatai (Wangjinglou)
To see this remarkable view, you’ll need to go 138 km northeast of Beijing. Probably worth it. Unused card. Grade: 1
The Great Wall at Jinshanling, fog
Unused card. Grade: 1
The Great Wall at Badaling
Unused card. Grade: 1
Guilin, PingAn Village, Longsheng County, Longji Star-Wish resort
Unused card for a property whose online reviews are enticing. Not far from where we are as the crow flies, but the psychic distance is great. Grade: 1
2016 Happy New Year
Similar in concept to all our Lunar New Year cards from earlier years. The scan shows you front and back of this typical lottery card. Unused. Grade: 1
Jade (2 sets totalling 25 cards and 2 stamp sheets)
Using only one scan, we’ll do our best to describe this. There are a total of 25 jade-related official postcards, each with pre-printed postage. These are split into two groups (one of 12, one of 13 cards) and each group has a stamp sheetlet with it. The scan shows the outer cardboard cover of one group; the other cover looks about the same. The scan also shows one sample card–they’re all different even if it takes some effort to see how–and one of the stamp sheetlets. Everything is unused, and the price covers both sets. Grade: 1
ma po dou fu
Unless you read Chinese, or know about Chinese food, you might not quickly know that this unused card celebrates a particularly yummy Szechuan-style bean curd dish, one of our personal favourites. There’s a good English caption on the back. Grade: 1
Zhejiang Provincial Museum, artist, set #1 (set of 10)
We shamefully admit our research resources sometimes vanish while we enter cards, and this is one such case. If you read Chinese, there’s an extensive story on the back cover of the set, to explain everything. We have two similar but not identical sets available (see also our entry 20307809), with one focusing on “chops” and the other on art and calligraphy. Scan #20307808 shows the front of the cover (lower left) and two sample cards from the set of 10–all unused. Scan #20307809 does the same for the other set. Cost is per set. Take both for $20. Grades: 1
Zhejiang Provincial Museum, artist, set #2 (set of 10)
See description for #20307808.
Hangzhou (set of 20)
We’re showing you the back cardboard cover of this unopened (therefore unused) set of 20 scenes in and around Hangzhou. The set measures 5-1/8″ x 7-1/4″. Grade: 1
Lever Bros. (China) Ltd., Sunlight Soap ad
High-quality, unused contemporary postcard reproduction of this old advertisement. Grade: 1
High-quality, unused postcard reproduction of this old advertisement. Grade: 1
In Commemoration of the Military Parade for the 70th Anniversary of the Victory … (set) (cover)
The full title continues “… of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War”. We need three scans to show you what all is here (see also 20307813B and C), from China National Philatelic Corporation.
Scan A shows the outer front hard cover, measuring 8-3/4″ x 12″ x 1-1/4″, and it is exceptionally sturdy. Scan B shows the front of a softcover folder inside, which folds out into three facing pages each containing a different set of mint stamps. (There’s also an extensive story, in Chinese only.) If you want to see the stamps, just ask us. Scan C shows you the fronts of two and the reverse of one of 80 (yes, 80) cards we think are all different but to be honest we haven’t tried to check. There’s also one more rectangular card for good measure. Everything is unused. Trust us on this: if you collect postcards with a military theme, this is about as good as it gets. Grade: 1
In Commemoration of the Military Parade for the 70th Anniversary of the Victory … (set) (postcards)
See our entry #20307813A.
Old city, UNESCO imprimatur
This is a wonderful photo on a creased card mailed from Shenzhen to Hong Kong (by Air Mail!) with two stamps and postmark in 2014. As far as we can tell, the Chinese caption just says “old city” though there is a westernised blue World Heritage mark behind that. Grade: 3
Monkey long set – Li Yan (cover)
At Lunar New Year (February 2016), China Post issued this set of 20 connected postcards, each one measuring 4″ x 9-1/2″, so this entire item when stretched out measures ~190″ or ~480 cm. What you see in this scan is the cover. Scan 20307815B shows parts of two cards. This whole thing is one very long panorama with a monkey theme suitable to the New Year. Each individual card has pre-printed postage and a number showing where the card fits in the sequence (as in 20-1, 20-2, and so on). And each card has a printed separation about two-thirds of the way along the reverse. Anyway, if you would like to see how this works, ask us and we will scan for you. Unused. Grade: 1
Monkey long set – Li Yan (parts of 2 cards)
See description for 20307815A.