Showing 881–920 of 1018 postcards

  • Personal Protective Equipment

    We’re writing this from the relative safety of our home office during the apex of the COVID-19 virus pandemic.  And why are we telling you this?  Because this card, under different circumstances, could be said to reflect the way persons try to protect themselves against this virus.  But that’s not what it’s doing.  Demonstrators in 2019 got there first, as protection against tear gas.  Unused card, blank on the reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308856C

    Price: $7.00

    Personal Protective Equipment
  • Chinese University

    One of the more vivid examples of events in 2019, a pitched battle at Chinese University in Hong Kong’s New Territories.  This unused card has extensive information on the reverse, along with two different QR codes that will lead you into other, darker territories.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308857C*

    Price: $29.00

    Chinese University
  • Fists

    Unused card, blank on the reverse.  The words we’ve blotted out loosely translate as “revenge” and, in Cantonese, sound like “dan kong” if that helps you.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308858C*

    Price: $12.00

  • Walk Together

    It might have been acceptable to show this card uncut but all its neighbours might have made it guilty by association.  The missing characters suggest “we’re all in this together”.  Unused, and blank on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308859C

    Price: $8.00

    Walk Together
  • Polytechnic University, Dyed Water

    It was a bright day, and somehow we found ourselves observing this action, in Kowloon.  Guess what?  It looked like this, and one would not want to be caught in that spray.  It’s blue for a reason.  The unused card has extensive captioning on the reverse, and the two QR codes.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308860*

    Price: $29.00

    Polytechnic University, Dyed Water
  • Under the Lion Rock

    Hong Kong people will recognise our title for this card as an iconic TV series, but here we give it a different meaning for this artwork.  The missing characters suggest a message of hope for the future of HK.  Unused card, blank on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308862C*

    Price: $9.00

    Under the Lion Rock
  • Extreme

    Sorry that we couldn’t allow most of the image or text to display here.  But we’re certain you will get the idea.    Unused card, blank on the reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308863C*

    Price: $12.00

  • Hong Kong Way

    In any other context, this would be a nice, clear night view of the territory.  There’s nothing sensitive about the photo, so we show it uncensored.  But it is part of the broad series of cards documenting 2019 events, so there’s something going on here we’re not quite certain about.  Unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308864

    Price: $6.00

    Hong Kong Way
  • Blockade

    During all the turmoil, it has been a common tactic for persons to open umbrellas and hover behind them while roads were blocked or other activities were being planned.   It’s so tempting to say more here, but we can’t.  Unused card, blank on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308865C*

    Price: $14.00

  • Ambulance

    You need to look closely at this to see it’s actually artwork and not a photograph.  Yet it accurately represents the occasional situation where throngs parted to allow ambulances through.  Unused card, and the reverse has extensive political captioning and two QR codes.  One of our personal favourites.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308866C

    Price: $29.00

  • We will keep …

    If blocking out certain sections were necessary on any card, it would be this one.  (The characters we felt secure enough to include just say “Hong Kong”.)  Unused, and blank on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308867C

    Price: $12.00

    We will keep …
  • Dark Tower

    Just dark.  Much activity took (takes) place at night anyway.  Unused, and blank on the reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308868C*

    Price: $12.00

    Dark Tower
  • Sunrise

    Heavily symbolic.  Unused, blank on the reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308869C*

    Price: $12.00

  • The night view of Central district

    Mailed in 2019, with four different hand-cancelled stamps and blue trilingual airmail label.  All you could hope for in a typical Hong Kong postcard.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308870

    Price: $4.00

    The night view of Central district
  • Newsstand during 1997 Handover

    What we definitely can say about this card:  it has character.  Let’s hope we don’t forget everything we should say about it.  Published in Hong Kong, commemorating events during the 1997 handover from Great Britain to China; and mailed from Hong Kong (in 2019) with four stamps and three postmarks, along with a blue Airmail label.  Someone in the post office marked off the address, as if to help someone else find it — an unnecessary move.  But the photo itself is of a newsstand in PR China, not Hong Kong, and we know this because the newspaper and the blue road sign (“alight here”) are in simplified and not traditional Chinese characters.  Of course if you can read Chinese, you’ll know more.  Grade: 2


    Code: 20308871

    Price: $6.00

    Newsstand during 1997 Handover
  • Global Postcard Sales

    Of course, this is us!  The front and back of our one and only (so far) ad card.  If you’d like one, just write and tell us … and we will mail one to you, stamped, for no charge.  Can’t beat that offer!

    Code: 20308872

    Price: $0.00

    Global Postcard Sales
  • Tram 143 (not a postcard)

    We took this photo some years later to show you what the same tram looks like now, and in a different part of the city.  Reminder, this is not a postcard.

    Code: 20308872A

    Tram 143 (not a postcard)
  • Something Wrong

    … in the text, and with the card, which had been on public display and which has tape around all four edges.  Otherwise unused, there’s a full explanation on the reverse.  As with other cards having a “*” in the index number, this card is not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 5

    Code: 20308873C*

    Price: $4.00

    Something Wrong
  • 2030

    This unused item is printed on very flimsy paper stock, and could be a postcard or just a small poster.  As you see, we had to remove a fair amount of text, all in Chinese.  As with similar items in this series, it has a “*” in the index number, so is not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308874C*

    Price: $6.00

  • Rock Climbing

    Unused card, blank on the reverse, whose theme and situation you will understand from similar entries.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308875C*

    Price: $9.00

    Rock Climbing
  • Laser

    Unmailed card with a strip of white paper bearing a QR code taped to the reverse — which itself has a lot of information and explanation.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 4

    Code: 20308876C*

    Price: $9.00

  • City scenes

    Unused card with a QR Code on the reverse.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.   Grade: 1

    Code: 20308877C*

    Price: $12.00

    City scenes
  • We are Always Here

    Unused card with a QR Code on the reverse.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308878*

    Price: $6.00

    We are Always Here
  • I hope …

    Unused card with a QR Code on the reverse.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308879C*

    Price: $14.00

    I hope …
  • You Don’t Listen

    One of the most comprehensively iconic cards we have to represent the 2019-2020 situation.  Unused, with different QR Codes on the reverse.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308880C*

    Price: $24.00

    You Don’t Listen
  • Theme

    Unused, with QR Code on the reverse and smudging from being handled.  The design which plays with characters is creative and refers to one term but we can show none of it here.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 3

    Code: 20308881C*

    Price: $9.00

  • Keep Your Heart Warm

    The legend on this unused card is a bit confusing even to our local friends, but we’ve had to blank it out anyway.  Maybe the QR Code on the back will explain.  Or maybe not.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308882C*

    Price: $12.00

    Keep Your Heart Warm
  • Spider

    We didn’t know what to call this, but it’s graphic in all ways.  Unused but heavily smudged from handling.  QR Code on the reverse.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 3

    Code: 20308883C*

    Price: $10.00

  • Future

    Fully printed on both sides.  If you tried, you could probably use it as a postcard, but not from here in Hong Kong.  QR code on the back.  Not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308884C*

    Price: $5.00

  • Raincoat

    What you see is what there is:  blank on the reverse, and unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308885

    Price: $3.00

  • Time …

    Unused, blank on the reverse, and not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308886C*

    Price: $4.00

    Time …
  • Together

    Unused, blank on the reverse, and not for sale to Hong Kong residents.  The message revolves around “If…” Grade: 1

    Code: 20308887C*

    Price: $12.00

  • Hong Kong Museums Collection, Selection from the Chih Lo Lou Collection (set of 6)

    We’re showing you the front of one card and the back of another from this set of six, all in the original cellowrap.  With pre-printed postage, they have special philatelic postmarks.  This is Hongkong Post’s Postage Prepaid Picture Card Series No. 61 issued in 2020.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308888

    Price: $14.00

    Hong Kong Museums Collection, Selection from the Chih Lo Lou Collection (set of 6)
  • Evolving social expressions

    Among the first of 2020’s “expression” cards that we feel secure enough to post without censorship, having read through the Chinese text and believing there’s nothing wrong with it.  It’s unused, and blank on the reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308889

    Price: $9.00

    Evolving social expressions
  • Abstract

    Unused card, blank on the back apart from a large red legend all in Chinese, and a much smaller and more sensitive text in the stamp area.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308890

    Price: $4.00

  • Ocean Park (Maximum Cards) (Set of 6)

    A set of six maximum cards, issued by Hongkong Post in August 2020, with philatelic postmarks.  The animals include the King Penguin, Giant Panda, Meerkat, Sichuan Golden Snub-nosed Monkey, Toco Toucan, and Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin.  All at that time to be found in one of Hong Kong’s two big theme parks, both of which had struggled mightily during the pandemic.   Grades: 1

    Code: 20308891

    Price: $24.00

    Ocean Park (Maximum Cards) (Set of 6)
  • Wall of Post-It Notes

    One of the four Beatles (JL) had walls named after him, and that’s what this unused card shows.   Grade: 1

    Code: 20308892

    Price: $8.00

    Wall of Post-It Notes
  • Opinions

    We’ve consulted others who agree that this card can be displayed without censorship, at least not for now.  Unused, with more information (also all in Chinese) on the reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308893

    Price: $4.00

  • Crowd

    Unused, and (we think) safe to display in its entirety.  A QR Code on the back, you’ll need to see that for yourself.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308894

    Price: $4.00

  • The Government

    Unused, with a small section covered up for safety.  Not for sale to Hong Kong or PRC residents.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20308895C*

    Price: $5.00

    The Government