Panoramic view of Hong Kong at Evening
Unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ Tourists Cards 307. Much of that water in the foreground is gone now — land reclamation. Grade: 1
Fire Cracker Night at Victoria Harbour
The photo on this unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ Tourists Cards 102 looks like it might have been taken from a tall building in North Point, looking towards Central District. Fireworks displays had been banned for awhile and it’s hard to say whether people cared if they come back or not. (Too much of a good thing.) Grade: 1
Dragon Boat Festival
Or, more accurately, the decoration on one vessel, shown on this unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ Tourists Cards 011. Grade: 1
Night View of Wanchai (024)
Unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ card 024 from the Tourists Cards series. The caption is technically accurate, we suppose, but there are better views of what we know as “Wanchai”. Grade: 1
Convention & Exhibition Centre 033
Unused Tourists Cards series 033, 5-1/2″ x 7″. Captioned as the Convention Centre but actually a decent harbour view of all of Wanchai District. Grade: 1
Public Housing Estate 036
One might think: well, it can’t be like that, not in Hong Kong. But yes, it can. This is unused Tourists Cards 036 (5-1/2″ x 7″). Grade: 1
Night view towards Eastern Hong Kong 040
Unused Tourists Cards 040 (5-1/2″ x 7″) with bilingual English and Chinese caption. Grade: 1
Junk passes by Central (District) 044
As we’ve noted before, during our time here, such Chinese “junks” rarely if ever appear in Victoria Harbour any more. If one did, photographers would come out in droves. Unused Tourists Cards 044 (5-1/2″ x 7″). Grade: 1
Street scene of Wanchai 045
This is unused Tourists Cards 045, 5-1/2″ x 7″. The same photo appears on other postcards with various designs, so someone got a lot of mileage out of it. The scene itself has been transformed beyond recognition, but trams still run through there. Grade: 1
Panoramic view from the Peak
Were we the boss of that postcard company, we might have chosen a less sterile and monochromatic view … but we’re not, and we accept the unused Tourists Cards 050 (5-1/2″ x 7″) item for what it is: Grade: 1
A Scene of Tsimshatsui
Unused Tourists Cards entry 056 (5-1/2″ x 7″). Grade: 1
God statue in Repulse Bay
We will resist the urge to comment on the caption (bilingual English/Japanese) on this unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ Tourists Cards 061. Grade: 1
Tsing Ma Bridge
One of Hong Kong’s many engineering wonders, on unused Tourists Cards 081 (5-1/2″ x 7″). Grade: 1
The Great Buddha at Lantau Island
This bronze statue was completed in 1993 at Ngong Ping on Lantau Island, near Po Lin Monastery. The statue’s base is a model of the Altar of Heaven or Earthly Mount of Tian Tan, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. One of the five large Buddha statues in China, surrounding it are six smaller bronze statues known as “The Offering of the Six Devas” that are posed offering flowers, incense, lamp, ointment, fruit, and music to the Buddha. These symbolise the Six Perfections of generosity, morality, patience, zeal, meditation, and wisdom, all of which are necessary for enlightenment. The statue is 34 meters (112 ft) tall, weighs over 250 metric tons (280 short tons), and was constructed from 202 bronze pieces. As a side note, if you Google “world’s largest Buddha”, you will find several choices. This postcard, however, is Tourists Cards series 093 (5-1/2″ x 7″) and unused. Grade: 1
Day Scene from Kowloon
We would make no guarantees at all that this card (Tourists Cards 097, 5-1/2″ x 7″) wasn’t heavily edited on someone’s computer. These batwing junks are almost never around; they do leave a small wake in the water; and the sky is almost never cloudless or this blue. But they wanted iconic Hong Kong, and they built it into the card. Grade: 1
Victoria Harbour View from Peak
Unused Tourists Cards 101, 5-1/2″ x 7″. This might be a view from The Peak, but not exactly what most people can see if you go up there. Grade: 1
Multiple views around Hong Kong
Unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ Tourists Cards 108, uncaptioned. That round building on the upper left is Hopewell Centre, in Wanchai. Grade: 1
Multiple view 112
Four conventional views on this unused 5-1/2″ x 7″ Tourists Cards 112. Well, conventional apart from the presence of that batwing junk. Grade: 1