Showing 241–280 of 509 postcards

  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Yi Peng Festival, Chiang Mai

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling sets of cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326275

    Price: $4.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Yi Peng Festival, Chiang Mai
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Mae Klang Luang Village, Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling sets of cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326276

    Price: $4.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Mae Klang Luang Village, Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Pai Memorial Bridge, Mae Hong Son

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326277

    Price: $8.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Pai Memorial Bridge, Mae Hong Son
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Huai Nam Dang National Park, Chiang Mai

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling sets of cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326278

    Price: $4.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Huai Nam Dang National Park, Chiang Mai
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Songkran Festival, Khon Kaen

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards, focusing on one of Thailand’s most famous festivals.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326279

    Price: $8.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Songkran Festival, Khon Kaen
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Erawan Waterfall, Kanchanaburi

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling sets of cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326280

    Price: $4.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Erawan Waterfall, Kanchanaburi
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Songkran Festival, Ayutthaya

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling sets of cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326281

    Price: $4.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Songkran Festival, Ayutthaya
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Phi Phi Islands, Krabi

    In 2012, McDonald’s Thailand sponsored this promotion selling sets of cards and discount coupons on behalf of RMHC, the in-house charity organisation.  This is one of the unused 5″ x 7″ cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326282

    Price: $4.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Phi Phi Islands, Krabi
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities – Miracle Year (set)

    Two of these sets are available, each consisting of ten cards as you may see in some or all of the postcard numbers immediately before this.  The cards are wrapped in heavy cardboard (see photo) and also include discount coupons for use at McDonald’s in Thailand.  Grades: 1

    Code: 20326283

    Price: $30.00

    Ronald McDonald House Charities – Miracle Year (set)
  • Bangkok, Amari Boulevard Hotel

    Two of these (roughly) 5″ x 7″ unused cards are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 20326284

    Price: $2.00

    Bangkok, Amari Boulevard Hotel
  • Sriracha, Chonburi

    Genuinely “local” card, mailed in 2013 with five stamps, three postmarks, address chop, and airmail label affixed.  Postmark ink transfer on the front.  Grade: 3

    Code: 20326285

    Price: $4.00

    Sriracha, Chonburi
  • Thailand Post, Domestic

    Common enough, but rarely for sale on the web.  These are sold at Thai post offices for domestic use.  They have pre-printed 2 Baht stamps, each stamp surrounded by perforations as if it were part of … a sheet of stamps.  The reverse is blank.  We have three of these.  Grades: 1

    Code: 20326286

    Price: $2.00

    Thailand Post, Domestic
  • Mae Hong Son, Hill Tribe Village, Long Neck Karen

    Four of these cards are available.  Three are unused, beginning to age (Grades: 1, $3).  One was mailed from Thailand in 2013 with three large stamps, postmark, and blue Airmail sticker (Grade: 1, $5).

    Code: 20326287

    Price: $3.00

    Mae Hong Son, Hill Tribe Village, Long Neck Karen
  • Bangkok, Grand Palace (3D)

    Unused card, still in the original wrapper with sales label (in Thai).  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326288

    Price: $4.00

    Bangkok, Grand Palace (3D)
  • Bangkok, decorated barge (3D)

    Unused card, still in the original wrapper with sales label (in Thai).  The caption on the back explains quite a bit.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326289

    Price: $4.00

    Bangkok, decorated barge (3D)
  • Suphan Buri, Dragon Descendant Museum

    This card was issued by Thailand Post, with coloured, pre-printed postage; it was mailed with two more large stamps, two postmarks, and blue Airmail sticker affixed.  Some postmark ink transfer on the front.  Grade: 3

    Code: 20326290

    Price: $4.00

    Suphan Buri, Dragon Descendant Museum
  • Monetary (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four unused maximum cards, captioned only in Thai, issued in Thai year 2534 (western 1991).  Though they are not notably disfigured, there has been some water staining and you could see that particularly on the reverse.  Grade: 3

    Code: 20326291

    Price: $10.00

    Monetary (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Silver – International Letter Writing Week 1994 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    The caption is in English and Thai, but only advising of International Letter Writing Week in October 1994.  There are four (unused) cards in the set, and we have two sets.  One is noticeably water stained on the backs of all four cards, even though the fronts are OK (Grade: 4, $8) while the other does not have these stains (Grade: 1, $14).

    Code: 20326292

    Price: $8.00

    Silver – International Letter Writing Week 1994 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Visakhapuja Day (May 1998) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four unused maximum cards, captioned bilingually in Thai and English, not yet aging badly so they are in relatively good condition.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326293

    Price: $18.00

    Visakhapuja Day (May 1998) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Temples (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Issued in April 1994 (Thai 2537), this set of four maximum cards is captioned only in Thai but the postmarks are partly in English.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326294

    Price: $16.00

    Temples (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Cats – National Philatelic Exhibition 1995 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    This set of four maximum cards was issued in August, 1995.  Cat lovers like us always rejoice when something special comes out, though the designs are … ummm … unusual.  Bilingual Thai/English captions from Thai year 2538.   Grade: 1

    Code: 20326295

    Price: $20.00

    Cats – National Philatelic Exhibition 1995 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Maghapuja Day (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four maximum cards issued in March 1996 (Thai 2539), with bilingual Thai/English captions.  This is a full-moon Buddhist holiday:  don’t sin, do good, go to the temple and make merit.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326296

    Price: $18.00

    Maghapuja Day (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Thai Heritage Conservation 1997 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    The set of four maximum cards, with bilingual Thai/English captions, dates from April 1997 (Thai 2540).  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326297

    Price: $22.00

    Thai Heritage Conservation 1997 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Asalhapuja Day (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Four maximum cards in this set.  The bilingual Thai/English caption also explains that Asalhapuja is an “Important Buddhist Religious Day.”  Issued in July, 1997.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326298

    Price: $16.00

    Asalhapuja Day (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Crab (2nd Series) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four maximum cards, bilingual Thai/English captions, from August 1994 (Thai 2537).  Two slightly aging sets are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 20326299

    Price: $16.00

    Crab (2nd Series) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Ducks (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four maximum cards, bilingual Thai/English captions, from December 1996 (Thai 2539).  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326300

    Price: $16.00

    Ducks (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Thailand Philatelic Exhibition 1997 – Houses (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four maximum cards, bilingual Thai/English captions, from August 1997 (Thai 2540).  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326301

    Price: $16.00

    Thailand Philatelic Exhibition 1997 – Houses (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Visakhapuja Day (May 1995) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Not to be confused with our entry 20326293, with a similar title but different date.  This is another set of four maximum cards, captioned in Thai and English, issued in May 1995 (Thai 2538).  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326302

    Price: $20.00

    Visakhapuja Day (May 1995) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Centennial Anniversary of the State Railway of Thailand (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    A set of four maximum cards, issued in March 1997 (Thai 2540), with bilingual Thai/English captions.  They are beginning to age noticeably, but are also harder to find than some other sets.  Grade: 2

    Code: 20326303

    Price: $22.00

    Centennial Anniversary of the State Railway of Thailand (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • The Second International Asian Hornbill Workshop (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    A workshop on such a subject might seem specialised, but it did lead to the issue of this set of four maximum cards in April 1996 (Thai 2539).  Captions in Thai and English.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326304

    Price: $18.00

    The Second International Asian Hornbill Workshop (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • International Letter Writing Week 1999 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    It almost looks like they were running out of ideas for visuals, but nevertheless, here’s a set of four maximum cards from October 1999 (Thai 2542), each with minor postmark ink transfer on the reverse from having been stacked while wet.  We don’t consider this to be a defect.  Captions in Thai and English.   Grade: 1

    Code: 20326305

    Price: $16.00

    International Letter Writing Week 1999 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Dinosaurs (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Three sets of four maximum cards, unused, captioned in Thai and English, from August 1997. are available.  One has minor age mottling on some of the reverses (Grade: 2, $16) and the others are better (Grade: 1, $18).

    Code: 20326306

    Price: $16.00

    Dinosaurs (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Thai Heritage Conservation 1995 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four maximum cards from April 1995 (Thai 2538) (you can compare with entry 20326297), captions in Thai and English.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326307

    Price: $20.00

    Thai Heritage Conservation 1995 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Transport (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    We call this “Transport” but the set of four maximum cards was issued for International Letter Writing Week 1997.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326308

    Price: $20.00

    Transport (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • 18th SEA Games (1st Series) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    Set of four unused maximum cards commemorating the 18th SEA Games (Southeast Asian Games) in December 1994 (Thai 2537).   Grade: 1

    Code: 20326309

    Price: $18.00

    18th SEA Games (1st Series) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Thaipex 01 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    A set of four maximum cards, packaged as you see.  We show two of the four cards, but the other two are also similar fowl.  Mostly Thai-language captions, from Thai year 2544 (August 2001).  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326310

    Price: $16.00

    Thaipex 01 (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Wild Animals (6th Series) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    A set of four maximum cards, from April 1998 (Thai 2541), packaged as you see.  We are showing two of the four cards, and all of them are wild cats large or small.  The cards have bilingual Thai/English captions, are unused, and have small postmark ink transfer on the reverses from having been put on top of each other.  We don’t consider this to be a defect.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326311

    Price: $16.00

    Wild Animals (6th Series) (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Chinese Stone Statue (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)

    A set of four maximum cards, from September 1998 (Thai 2541), packaged as you see.  We show two of the four cards, and all of them are “Chinese Stone Statues”.  The slightly aging cards have bilingual Thai/English captions, are unused, and have small postmark ink transfer on the reverses from having been put on top of each other.  We don’t consider this to be a defect.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326312

    Price: $16.00

    Chinese Stone Statue (Maximum Cards) (set of 4)
  • Bangkok, BTS SkyTrain (016)

    Beginning a series of unused cards issued in 2013 with BTS logo on the reverse.  The number in the title corresponds to the reference number on the card.  We list them this way because many of the photos are similar:  SkyTrain, tracks, buildings, and so on.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326313

    Price: $4.00

    Bangkok, BTS SkyTrain (016)
  • Bangkok, BTS SkyTrain (014)

    Continuing a series of unused cards issued in 2013 with BTS logo on the reverse.  The number in the title corresponds to the reference number on the card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 20326315

    Price: $4.00

    Bangkok, BTS SkyTrain (014)