Asuncion, Hotel Guarani – Vista Nocturna
From 1975, not postally used but with a message in Portuguese completely filling the reverse. Grade: 4
Asuncion, Hotel Ita Enramada
Usually, Tripadvisor is brimming with online reviews about any hotel. Not in this case, though we find no hint that the hotel has closed. What’s up with that? The unused postcard has clearly started to age but is otherwise unmarked. Grade: 1-
Ciudad Pte. Stroessner, Ciudad Jardin, El Puente de la Amistad y Aduana
Unused older card, aging evenly. Grade: 1
Ciudad Pte. Stroessner, Ciudad Jardin, Iglesia – Catedral
Unused older card, aging particularly around the reverse edges. Grade: 2
Hotel Casino Ita Enramada
The more we try to learn about this property, the more confused we get. It definitely looks as though it got caught up in serious politics. This card, however, is immune to all that and is in excellent condition for its age. Grade: 1
Ruta No. VI, Dr. Juan Leon Mallorquin
The scan of this unused card isn’t fooling you: the card itself really does make it look like one lane of the road is blocked by a big pile of something. We are presuming it’s a fully loaded lorry. Grade: 1
Acahay, Rancho tipico
Unused card. Someone’s name and address (in Brazil) has been rubber-stamped at the bottom of the address area. Grade: 4
Ypacarai Lake
Unused, older card with some foxing (mottling) on the reverse. Grade: 2
Recuerdo del Paraguay, multiple views
Older unused card with “Aspectos diversos”. Grade: 1-
Indian village
Unused, well-aged card. Grade: 2
Ciudad Pte. Stroessner, All Star
This is an unused ad card masquerading as a legitimate ordinary card. One more thing: until now, we have not mentioned that while Ciudad Presidente Stroessner was founded in 1957, it is now called Ciudad del Este. On the card, two small inked initials in the stamp area. Grade: 3
Capitan Meza, Itapua, Arroyo Amambay
Unused card with minor age staining on the reverse. Grade: 2
Asuncion, Palacio de Gobierno (Costado)
Unused older card, aging but still within the range of Grade: 1
Carretas tipicas, Promeseros
Unused card with heavy aging and faint staining on the reverse. Grade: 3
Asuncion, Plaza Juan de Salazar
Unused older card, aged appropriately. Grade: 1