Showing 281–320 of 893 postcards

  • View of San Francisco in 1846-7

    This unused M. Rieder card 11876, made in Germany, looks almost as old as the scene it portrays, but of course it’s not–probably early 1900s.  Grade: 3

    Code: 10105302

    Price: $9.00

    View of San Francisco in 1846-7
  • San Jose, Road to Alum Rock Park

    Mailed from San Jose in 1921 with stamp and full postmark, this is one of those cards where the message is so poignant it’s almost impossible to forget.  What stopped Harry from going?  We won’t know.  Grade: 3

    Code: 10105303

    Price: $9.00

    San Jose, Road to Alum Rock Park
  • San Francisco, Palace Hotel and Lotta’s Fountain

    Mailed in 1912 with stamp and full “World’s Panama Pacific Exposition 1915” postmark.  Edge abrasions.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105304

    Price: $9.00

    San Francisco, Palace Hotel and Lotta’s Fountain
  • Los Angeles, Security Savings Bank, Fifth Street Lobby

    Unused M. Rieder card 78/4 with an ink stain in the postage area.  Grade: 3

    Code: 10105305

    Price: $3.00

    Los Angeles, Security Savings Bank, Fifth Street Lobby
  • San Francisco, First National Bank

    Unused Edw. H. Mitchell card 1916 from way back in the day.  The building was at Post, Montgomery, and Market Streets.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105306

    Price: $5.00

    San Francisco, First National Bank
  • Roaring Camp, covered wagon

    Unused but for an uncancelled one-cent stamp.  Heavily wrinkled.  Grade: 5

    Code: 10105307

    Price: $0.50

    Roaring Camp, covered wagon
  • San Francisco, Fishermans Wharf

    Mailed in the 1970s, with stamp and postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105308

    Price: $1.00

    San Francisco, Fishermans Wharf
  • Desert flowers in California

    Postmark is blurry and writing has faded, but we think this was mailed on board a U.S. Navy ship (U.S.S. Trenton? if we read the postmark correctly) in 1932.  Stamp is there.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105309

    Price: $6.00

    Desert flowers in California
  • Stanford University campus

    Larger (5″ x 7″) card, mailed in 2009 with 98-cent stamp.  A bit of barcoding and postal battering, but it survived.  The laconic caption is worth the price of the card.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105310

    Price: $2.00

    Stanford University campus
  • San Diego, Stardust Hotel and Country Club

    Two of these unused cards, of this Handlery Hotels property, are available.  Grades: 2

    Code: 10105311

    Price: $2.00

    San Diego, Stardust Hotel and Country Club
  • San Diego feels good all over!

    Unused Dexter Press card 85829-D, captioned in six languages.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105312

    Price: $2.00

    San Diego feels good all over!
  • Mission San Luis Rey, King Louis IX statue

    Top center statue is the mission’s patron saint.  Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105315

    Price: $3.00

    Mission San Luis Rey, King Louis IX statue
  • Mission San Luis Rey, sunken gardens and lavanderia

    Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105316

    Price: $3.00

    Mission San Luis Rey, sunken gardens and lavanderia
  • Mission San Luis Rey, first pepper tree

    Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105317

    Price: $3.00

    Mission San Luis Rey, first pepper tree
  • Mission Santa Barbara, Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

    Unused card.  The statue is bronze.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105319

    Price: $2.00

    Mission Santa Barbara, Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
  • Greetings from California, desert environment

    Unused Columbia Publishing card 47600-09f.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105320

    Price: $3.00

    Greetings from California, desert environment
  • Greetings from San Diego

    Unused Columbia Publishing card 36309 T-786.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105321

    Price: $2.00

    Greetings from San Diego
  • Oceanside, lighthouse and boat harbor

    Unused Columbia Publishing card 40960 T-412.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105322

    Price: $3.00

    Oceanside, lighthouse and boat harbor
  • Del Mar, Greetings and racetrack

    Unused Columbia Publishing card 47010 T-204.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105323

    Price: $3.00

    Del Mar, Greetings and racetrack
  • Greetings from California

    Unused Columbia Publishing card 53463-09h T-928.  Two cards are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 10105324

    Price: $4.00

    Greetings from California
  • San Diego, Lindbergh Field

    A good, unused card, but not one of our favourite airports.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105325

    Price: $4.00

    San Diego, Lindbergh Field
  • Greetings from San Diego (county map)

    Unused Columbia Publishing card 52710 (T-624).  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105327

    Price: $4.00

    Greetings from San Diego (county map)
  • Yosemite National Park, Vernal and Nevada Falls

    Mailed in 1973 with stamp and full Yosemite postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105328

    Price: $3.00

    Yosemite National Park, Vernal and Nevada Falls
  • Point Reyes Lighthouse

    Mailed in 2011 with $1 stamp, full modern Oakland postmark, and USPS barcoding and abrasions on the front.  Grade: 3

    Code: 10105329

    Price: $2.00

    Point Reyes Lighthouse
  • Bells of the Missions

    Measuring 5-1/2″ x 8-3/4″, this 2008 card would probably not survive being mailed, so it’s good that it is unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105330

    Price: $8.00

    Bells of the Missions
  • Sacramento, aerial view, Raley Field

    Mailed in 2011, but with a postage meter label.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105331

    Price: $2.00

    Sacramento, aerial view, Raley Field
  • Mouth of the Russian River

    On the reverse of this otherwise unused Pacific Novelty card 46, someone has written:  April 1929.  Grade: 3

    Code: 10105332

    Price: $3.00

    Mouth of the Russian River
  • Modjeska Canyon, Madam Modjeska home

    Madam Modjeska had an interesting life.  We admit having to Google her to learn about it.  Sounds like she should have just stayed in her home.  Unused Van Ornum Colorprint card.  There’s a legend in red on the bottom front, hard to see in the scan.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105333

    Price: $2.00

    Modjeska Canyon, Madam Modjeska home
  • Arroyo-Seco Parkway, Route 66

    Unused C.T. Art-Colortone linen card 1B-H2162 (and LA-121) of a road on this fabled highway system, running between Los Angeles and Pasadena.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105334

    Price: $4.00

    Arroyo-Seco Parkway, Route 66
  • Moonlight on the Salton Sea

    The phenomenon of the Salton Sea has always captivated us, and this unused card A-78340 gives even more information about how the body of water came to be.  Wonderful–though, we admit, probably only to us.  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105335

    Price: $4.00

    Moonlight on the Salton Sea
  • A turnout on the auto road to Mt. Wilson

    We’ve driven up here several times.  It’s beautiful, as long as there are no forest fires.  Unused Western Publishing & Novelty Co. card 754 (and 74596).  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105336

    Price: $4.00

    A turnout on the auto road to Mt. Wilson
  • San Francisco, Heidelberg Inn, Ja das haben …

    We needed to Google this Bohemian restaurant to learn of its colourful past.  They issued a series of postcards.  Their own translation of this one reads: “Kiss me girlie–and I will be thine.”  Card was mailed in 1915, with large stamp and full Panama-Pacific Exposition postmark.  The message, however, we think is in German.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105337

    Price: $5.00

    San Francisco, Heidelberg Inn, Ja das haben …
  • San Francisco, Heidelberg Inn, Er liebt mich ….

    We needed to Google this Bohemian restaurant to learn of its colourful past.  They issued a series of postcards.  Their own translation of this one reads: “He loves me, he loves me not!”  Unused card from 1915.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105338

    Price: $4.00

    San Francisco, Heidelberg Inn, Er liebt mich ….
  • A California Bungalow

    Not postally used, but a message from 1910 inked on the reverse.  We always wonder why this type of card–written, ready to go–didn’t quite get mailed.  Grade: 4

    Code: 10105339

    Price: $2.00

    A California Bungalow
  • Los Angeles, Jerry’s Famous Jade Lounge, At Jerry’s Joynt–in Old Chinatown

    Unused E.C. Kropp card 29971 showing their “3600 years old Chinese carving”.  The restaurant, alas, is long gone.  The card survives.  We wonder where the carving went.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105340

    Price: $4.00

    Los Angeles, Jerry’s Famous Jade Lounge, At Jerry’s Joynt–in Old Chinatown
  • Grossmont, Residence of Mme. Schumann Heink

    Unused C.T. Photochrom card R-55081.  We are grateful to Wikipedia for this information:  (15 June 1861 – 17 November 1936), was a celebrated Austrian, later American, operatic contralto, noted for the size, beauty, tonal richness, flexibility and wide range of her voice.  We know that Grossmont area pretty well, and can tell you it no longer looks like this.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105341

    Price: $2.00

    Grossmont, Residence of Mme. Schumann Heink
  • Avalon, Catalina – SS Catalina, and Casino

    Unused, mildly aging H.S. Crocker Mirro-Krome card GW-37-A dated MCMLXIII (1963).  Grade: 1

    Code: 10105342

    Price: $3.00

    Avalon, Catalina – SS Catalina, and Casino
  • Avalon, Catalina – S.S. Catalina – The Steamer Arrives

    Unused H.S. Crocker Mirro-Krome card GW-93-A, aging.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105343

    Price: $3.00

    Avalon, Catalina – S.S. Catalina – The Steamer Arrives
  • San Diego, USS Midway CV-41

    Mailed in 2011 with three different stamps, readable postmark, and as a bonus, a Hong Kong postmark (though not legible) on the front.  Grade: 4

    Code: 10105344

    Price: $1.00

    San Diego, USS Midway CV-41
  • A Tree of Fruit, California

    We suppose these are meant to be oranges, but even with the card here in our hands, we can’t say that for certain.  Neither, apparently, could the caption writer.  Unused old Pacific Novelty Co. card 6995.  Grade: 2

    Code: 10105345

    Price: $1.00

    A Tree of Fruit, California