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Showing 81–120 of 179 postcards

  • Pelecanus onocrotalus (DPR Korea)

    Unused card whose pre-printed postage is of Brachyramphus perdix, the Long-billed murrelet, a small seabird from the North Pacific. It is an unusual member of the auk family, often nesting far inland in old growth forests.  And it is not a pelican.  Grade: 1


    Code: 30300362

    Price: $4.00

    Pelecanus onocrotalus (DPR Korea)
  • Cygnus cygnus (DPR Korea)

    Similar to DPRK’s other cards of animals, this unused version has Korean and “scientific” captions, and the pre-printed stamp is of an owl.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300364

    Price: $4.00

    Cygnus cygnus (DPR Korea)
  • Geese (Anser cygnoides) (set of 4) (DPR Korea)

    A set of four unused cards, specific to this particular species, as described in Wikipedia: “The swan goose is a rare large goose with a natural breeding range in inland Mongolia, northernmost China, and southeastern Russia. It is migratory and winters mainly in central and eastern China”.  And, possibly, DPRK.  The pre-printed postage bears WWF logo.  Grades: 1

    Code: 30300367

    Price: $14.00

    Geese (Anser cygnoides) (set of 4) (DPR Korea)
  • Flamingos (홍학) (DPR Korea)

    No English caption, only Korean (홍학), but we know a flamingo when we see one.  The pre-printed postage on this 2012 unused card is, however, of Fringilla montifringilla — a brambling, or small type of finch.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300368

    Price: $4.00

    Flamingos (홍학) (DPR Korea)
  • Baby owls (DPR Korea)

    Unused 2013 card, captioned front and back only in Korean.  The pre-printed postage is a large rendition of Surnia ulula.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300370

    Price: $4.00

    Baby owls (DPR Korea)
  • Bubo bubo (Maximum Card) (PR China)

    Unused Maximum Card from 1995 of what we otherwise know as the Eurasian eagle owl.  Note ethnic script on the postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300375

    Price: $8.00

    Bubo bubo (Maximum Card) (PR China)
  • Peacock (DPR Korea)

    No English caption on this unused 2001 card, but the Korean (공작새) logically means “peacocks”.  The pre-printed stamp however shows Uria aalge, the common murre.  This is a second copy of the same card we listed as 30300330.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300377

    Price: $5.00

    Peacock (DPR Korea)
  • Eagles (group of 2) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    Here’s a chance to have a couple of DPRK Maximum Cards at a value price.  Unused, from 1992, captioned in Korean and “scientific” (Haliaeetus vocifer and Buteo buteo).  The Haliaeetus card (i.e., the one without the baby chicks) has significant spotting on the front.  Grade: 3

    Code: 30300378

    Price: $6.00

    Eagles (group of 2) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Pets: cockatoo (Maximum Card) (Australia)

    Unused maximum card issued on 1 October 1996.  Pre-paid postage printed on the reverse as well.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300381

    Price: $7.00

    Pets: cockatoo (Maximum Card) (Australia)
  • Common Pheasant (joint Sweden/PRC issue) (Maximum Card)

    This unused maximum card could as well be listed under “PR China” as it was part of a joint issue with Sweden in 1997 and text on the back makes it clear the card was produced in China.  However the subject, the stamp, and the Kista postmark are clearly Swedish.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300396

    Price: $6.00

    Common Pheasant (joint Sweden/PRC issue) (Maximum Card)
  • Chickens (set of 6) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    Parts of all six unused cards are visible in this messy scan — sorry about that.  As maximum cards go, these are quite old, issued in 1964 (probably), and while the postmarks are completely clear, the cards themselves do look a lot newer.  Maybe they just aged well.  Captions are in Korean and English:  “Black chicken,” “White chicken,” “Red chicken,” etc.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300399

    Price: $23.00

    Chickens (set of 6) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Mandarin ducks (group of four) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    From 1987, with slightly flawed postmarks (note what should be “WWF”) , this set of four unused maximum cards all showing Aix galericulata and captioned in both Korean and the scientific name.  Grades: 1

    Code: 30300403

    Price: $20.00

    Mandarin ducks (group of four) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Curlew (Finland)

    What a shame Posti (Finland) didn’t go ahead and issue this as a maximum card, but it’s not.  Mailed in 2014 with another very large stamp, Priority label, and postmark on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300404

    Price: $3.00

    Curlew (Finland)
  • Birds (set of 5) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    All or part of each of the five maximum cards in this unused set appear in the scan.  Issued in 2003.  The captions are in Korean, and the stamps have the scientific names in tiny print.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300413

    Price: $22.50

    Birds (set of 5) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Anser cygnoides (set of 4) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    Set of four unused maximum cards from 2004, all with variations of Anser cygnoides, the rare swan goose.  Captions are in Korean and scientific.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300414

    Price: $20.00

    Anser cygnoides (set of 4) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Birds (set of 4) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    Set of four unused maximum cards, from 2008, with nice clear postmarks.  The captions are in Korean and also the scientific names:  Melopsittacus undulatus (2), Agapornis personata, and Agapornis roseicollis.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300416

    Price: $20.00

    Birds (set of 4) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Birds (set of 4, front captions) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    Set of four unused maximum cards, with captions on the fronts.  Issued in 2009, and we think this set commemorates the 50th anniversary of Pyongyang’s Zoo.  But we do not guarantee that to be true.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300417

    Price: $18.00

    Birds (set of 4, front captions) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Owls (set of 4) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)

    Bilingual captions on the fronts of the four maximum cards in this unused set.  It was issued in 2013.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300419

    Price: $20.00

    Owls (set of 4) (Maximum Cards) (DPR Korea)
  • Bald Eagle (Kansas, USA)

    Unused card of Haliaeetus leucocephalus.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300425

    Price: $1.00

    Bald Eagle (Kansas, USA)
  • Kansas map and Western Meadowlark

    Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300426

    Price: $2.00

    Kansas map and Western Meadowlark
  • Birds (Maximum Cards) (set of 6) (DPR Korea)

    Parts of all six unused maximum cards are visible in the scan.  Captions in Korean and “scientific”.  Want to know what they are?  Egretta alba, Platalea minor, Ardea cinerea, Ciconia boyciana, Grus vipio, and Grus japonensis.  That will keep the search engines busy.  Grades: 1

    Code: 30300430

    Price: $25.00

    Birds (Maximum Cards) (set of 6) (DPR Korea)
  • Brown Thrasher (Georgia, USA)

    Unused, heavily aged card from 1956 and the Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs.  Grade: 2

    Code: 30300439

    Price: $1.00

    Brown Thrasher (Georgia, USA)
  • Spoonbill (Galveston, Texas)

    Mailed in 2014, with round “Global Forever” stamp and readable postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300440

    Price: $1.00

    Spoonbill (Galveston, Texas)
  • Gentoo Penguins (Antarctica)

    Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300449

    Price: $6.00

    Gentoo Penguins (Antarctica)
  • Flamingos (Bolivia)

    Unused Belleza Boliviana card No. 289, captioned in Spanish and English and each species identified.  Looking for flamingo postcards?  Here.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300461

    Price: $1.00

    Flamingos (Bolivia)
  • A Rhinoceros hornbill caught in flight (Malaysia)

    Card 781 from the Association for Intellectually Disabled Children in Sarawak.  Two of these unused cards are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 30300471

    Price: $3.00

    A Rhinoceros hornbill caught in flight (Malaysia)
  • Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos (Brazil)

    With scientific name Ramphastos t. tucanus.  Unused, official Correios e Telegrafos commemorative card with serial number 013718.  Aging and with a bit of smudging on the reverse.  Grade: 2

    Code: 30300480

    Price: $2.00

    Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos (Brazil)
  • Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucano de Bico Preto (Brazil)

    With scientific name Ramphastos v. vitellinus.  Unused, official Correios e Telegrafos commemorative card with serial number 017706.  Aging somewhat.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300481

    Price: $2.00

    Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucano de Bico Preto (Brazil)
  • Serie Beija-Flores: Topetinho Vermelho (Brazil)

    Issued in May, 1981, this official Correios e Telegrafos maximum card has serial number 000719 along with the scientific name of the bird:  Lophomis magnifica.  The card is aging, but clean.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300482

    Price: $4.00

    Serie Beija-Flores: Topetinho Vermelho (Brazil)
  • Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucanucu (Maximum Card) (Brazil)

    Unused maximum card from May 1983, showing Ramphastos toco.  Aging and with minor postmark ink transfer on the back from having been stacked.  Serial number is 010949.   Grade: 2

    Code: 30300483

    Price: $4.00

    Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucanucu (Maximum Card) (Brazil)
  • Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucano de Bico Verde (Maximum Card) (Brazil)

    Unused maximum card from May 1983, showing Ramphastos dicolorus.  Aging and with minor postmark ink transfer on the back from having been stacked.  Two of these are available, with serial numbers 018296 and 018297.   Grades: 2

    Code: 30300484

    Price: $4.00

    Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucano de Bico Verde (Maximum Card) (Brazil)
  • Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucano de Bico Preto (Maximum Card) (Brazil)

    Unused maximum card from May 1983, showing Ramphastos v. vitellinus.  Aging and with minor postmark ink transfer on the back from having been stacked.  Serial number is 022844.   Grade: 2

    Code: 30300485

    Price: $4.00

    Serie Fauna Brasileira – Tucanos – Tucano de Bico Preto (Maximum Card) (Brazil)
  • Serie Preservacao da Fauna – Fregata Atoba (Maximum Card) (Brazil)

    Both the Portuguese caption and the postmark on this maximum card leave us a little uncertain but we think (after a search) this unused card was issued in 1985.  It involves Parque Nacional Marinho Dos Abrolhos and at least two species of sea birds, Sula dactylatra and Sula leucogaster.  There’s more in the caption but this will do for now.  The unused card issued by Correios e Telegrafos carries serial number 039008.  Aging somewhat.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300486

    Price: $4.00

    Serie Preservacao da Fauna – Fregata Atoba (Maximum Card) (Brazil)
  • Serie Preservacao da Fauna – Fregata Atoba (Maximum Card)(Brazil)

    This unused card was issued in 1985.  It involves Parque Nacional Marinho Dos Abrolhos and at least two species of sea birds, Sula dactylatra and Sula leucogaster.  Possibly Phaethon aethereus as well.  (The postmark in 30300486 wasn’t so clear, but this one is.)  Two of these maximum cards are available, issued by Correios e Telegrafos and bearing serial numbers 006153 and 006158.  Aging somewhat.  Grades: 2

    Code: 30300487

    Price: $4.00

    Serie Preservacao da Fauna – Fregata Atoba (Maximum Card)(Brazil)
  • Islas Galapagos – Flamingos (Ecuador)

    Unused, older card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300492

    Price: $3.00

    Islas Galapagos – Flamingos (Ecuador)
  • Galapagos, multiple fauna (Ecuador)

    Unused Grafitecnica card whose three views are described on the back as:  1.  Iguana; 2. Flamingos; 3. Focas Marinas.  Aging but clean.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300498

    Price: $5.00

    Galapagos, multiple fauna (Ecuador)
  • Faces of Galapagos (Ecuador)

    Unused, unnumbered Hyla Postales card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300499

    Price: $3.00

    Faces of Galapagos (Ecuador)
  • Cuzco, Condor in the Ruins of Sacsahuaman (Peru)

    Even though this unused Swiss Foto card C-1439, sponsored by Faucett Airlines, is noticeably aged on the reverse, you’ll be hard put to find a more striking condor postcard.  At least we think so.  Grade: 3

    Code: 30300502

    Price: $3.00

    Cuzco, Condor in the Ruins of Sacsahuaman (Peru)
  • Port Lockroy, penguins (Antarctica)

    From the Port Lockroy base.  Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300508

    Price: $11.00

    Port Lockroy, penguins (Antarctica)
  • Serie Preservacao da Fauna – Parque Nacional Marinho Dos Abrolhos – Benedito, Anous stolidus (Maximum Card) (Brazil)

    Official, unused Maximum Card from 1985.  The serial number on the reverse is 002538.  And if you didn’t know, Anous stolidus is the brown or common noddy, a seabird from the tern family.  Minor aging, not enough to downgrade.  Grade: 1

    Code: 30300509

    Price: $3.00

    Serie Preservacao da Fauna – Parque Nacional Marinho Dos Abrolhos – Benedito, Anous stolidus (Maximum Card) (Brazil)