Showing 1–40 of 46 postcards

  • Flint River (Georgia)

    This unused Columbus Photo Service card 2158 is from the 1960s and sadly reports that the bridge had been replaced by “a new cement structure.” No doubt the new cement structure was a vast safety improvement and an historical step backwards. Grade: 1

    Code: 32500001

    Price: $4.00

    Flint River (Georgia)
  • Neet Bridge, Rockville (Indiana, USA)

    Here’s a nice example of a covered bridge: unused Curteichcolor card 4DK-31 of a bridge built in 1904 and crossing the Little Raccoon River near Rockville, which had been (is?) the site of an annual covered bridge festival.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500002

    Price: $3.50

    Neet Bridge, Rockville (Indiana, USA)
  • Covered bridge in Vermont

    This unused Don Sieburg card 45083-B (sure looks like a Dexter Press number) is a nice addition to a collection of covered bridge cards, and would be even nicer if we were told which bridge it is (was). But we know it’s in Vermont.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500003

    Price: $2.00

    Covered bridge in Vermont
  • North Ferrisberg (Vermont)

    This time we know where the bridge is. It spans the Lewis Creek. Unused card, Grade: 1

    Code: 32500004

    Price: $3.00

    North Ferrisberg (Vermont)
  • Kissing Bridge, Troy (Vermont)

    Another very nice (and identified) covered bridge card, of this Kissing Bridge spanning the Missisquoi River. Unused card. Some sort of abrasion on bottom reverse. Grade: 2

    Code: 32500005

    Price: $3.00

    Kissing Bridge, Troy (Vermont)
  • West Arlington (Vermont)

    Unused card from the 1960s, showing this bridge spanning the Battenkill River.  Major abrasions on front.  Grade: 5

    Code: 32500006

    Price: $0.30

    West Arlington (Vermont)
  • Martin’s Mill covered bridge (Hartland, Vermont)

    From the looks of it, one might want to heed the Load Limit sign. Unused card of this bridge spanning Lull’s Brook near Hartland.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500007

    Price: $3.00

    Martin’s Mill covered bridge (Hartland, Vermont)
  • Philippi (West Virginia)

    That this was the site of the first land battle of the Civil War sounds historic enough for us. Unused Dexter Press card 54049-B (and W.V. #31) from the 1960s. Grade: 1

    Code: 32500008

    Price: $3.00

    Philippi (West Virginia)
  • Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

    Unused, contemporary card.  A little unusual to see so many different bridges on one card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500009

    Price: $3.00

    Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
  • A picturesque Covered Bridge

    Two of these unused Asheville Post Card Co. cards (K-15017, and K-437) are available.  The location and name of the bridge are not identified, and in this case Google turned up nothing.  Grades: 1

    Code: 32500010

    Price: $5.00

    A picturesque Covered Bridge
  • Greetings from Ohio

    All-purpose card with an abrasion through the words “Post Card” on the reverse, and two address labels affixed.  Mailed in 2011 with one 98-cent stamp.  Grade: 4

    Code: 32500011

    Price: $1.00

    Greetings from Ohio
  • Bridgeton Bridge, Parke County, Indiana (USA)

    Unused, aging postcard of this bridge, built in 1868 over Big Raccoon Creek.  The caption has a surprising amount of information in a small space.  Grade: 2

    Code: 32500012

    Price: $5.00

    Bridgeton Bridge, Parke County, Indiana (USA)
  • Covered Bridges of Iowa

    Unused Plastichrome card P319334.  Such bridges are not only in New England.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500013

    Price: $2.00

    Covered Bridges of Iowa
  • Giddings Road Covered Bridge, Ashtabula County, Ohio (USA)

    The bridge dates only from 1995 and the card from 2012, mailed with three stamps (one uncancelled) and blurred postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500014

    Price: $3.00

    Giddings Road Covered Bridge, Ashtabula County, Ohio (USA)
  • Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia

    Unused card showing Cacapon Valley, Greenbriar River, and Whitewater and Blackwater Falls.  Not sure what bridge it is, though.  Grade: 2

    Code: 32500015

    Price: $2.00

    Wild, Wonderful, West Virginia
  • Greetings from Vermont, The Green Mountain State

    Unused Koppel Color Card 39173 (Vt 438) showing Old Scott Bridge (longest single span covered bridge in Vermont, built in 1870 and 276′ long) along with a Scenic View on Route 2 between Montpelier and Burlington.  So there.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500016

    Price: $2.00

    Greetings from Vermont, The Green Mountain State
  • Greetings from Ohio

    Mailed in 2013, with round “Global Forever” stamp and blurry postmark.  Unfortunately it doesn’t identify the bridge.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500017

    Price: $1.00

    Greetings from Ohio
  • Luzern, Kapellbrucke und Pilatus (Switzerland)

    In English, the Chapel Bridge, on this real-photo card mailed in 1953 with two different stamps and blue trilingual “Luftpost” label.  The bridge was largely destroyed in a 1993 fire, but since restored.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500018

    Price: $5.00

    Luzern, Kapellbrucke und Pilatus (Switzerland)
  • Middlebury, Das Dutchman Essenhaus (Indiana, USA)

    Mailed in 2014 with round Global Forever stamp and postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500019

    Price: $2.00

    Middlebury, Das Dutchman Essenhaus (Indiana, USA)
  • Old Mills of Missouri

    Unused card, unidentified locations.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500020

    Price: $2.00

    Old Mills of Missouri
  • Covered Bridge and Carriages (H. Loewen, Sr.)

    Sub-captioned “Heart of Amishland,” and made in Pennsylvania, dated 1969, this card is unused but clearly aging.  Grade: 2

    Code: 32500021

    Price: $1.00

    Covered Bridge and Carriages (H. Loewen, Sr.)
  • Covered Bridge on Grand Cascapedia River, P.Q. (Canada)

    Nice, gently aging, unused Photogelatine Engraving card NR21.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500022

    Price: $3.00

    Covered Bridge on Grand Cascapedia River, P.Q. (Canada)
  • The Catlin Bridge (Indiana, USA)

    An odd little story.  The bridge was built in 1907 to cross Sunderland Creek but was moved in 1961 to the Parke County Golf Course.  Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500023

    Price: $2.00

    The Catlin Bridge (Indiana, USA)
  • Venezia, Ponte dei Sospiri n. 307 (Italy)

    Unused card, 4″ x 8-1/4″.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500024

    Price: $2.00

    Venezia, Ponte dei Sospiri n. 307 (Italy)
  • New England (USA)

    Unused 1964 Yankee Colour card.  The bridge?  Unidentified, except that it’s supposed to be in New England.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500026

    Price: $1.00

    New England (USA)
  • Bridgeton Bridge, Rockville (Indiana, USA)

    Unused Curteichcolor card 2DK-480 (IN.60), aging but clean.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500027

    Price: $1.00

    Bridgeton Bridge, Rockville (Indiana, USA)
  • Turkey Run State Park, The Narrows – Lusk Home (Indiana, USA)

    In 1940, Winnie sent this card (stamp and postmark there) to the Woods, and Winnie was really enjoying her trip.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500028

    Price: $3.00

    Turkey Run State Park, The Narrows – Lusk Home (Indiana, USA)
  • White Mountains, The Pool and Sentinel Pine Bridge, The Flume (New Hampshire, USA)

    Mailed in 1949, the postmark is there but the stamp is gone.  Grade: 4

    Code: 32500029

    Price: $0.50

    White Mountains, The Pool and Sentinel Pine Bridge, The Flume (New Hampshire, USA)
  • White Mountains, The Pool and Sentinel Pine Bridge, Franconia Notch (New Hampshire, USA)

    Unused Dexter Press card 73988.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500030

    Price: $1.00

    White Mountains, The Pool and Sentinel Pine Bridge, Franconia Notch (New Hampshire, USA)
  • Greetings from Indiana

    Though the specific bridges aren’t identified, at least you know what state they’re probably in.  Unused Lusterchrome card K-9061 from Tichnor Bros.  Grade: 2

    Code: 32500031

    Price: $1.00

    Greetings from Indiana
  • Niagara Falls, The Carillon Tower and Gardens at Rainbow Bridge (Canada)

    Unused Plastichrome card P1444.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500032

    Price: $1.00

    Niagara Falls, The Carillon Tower and Gardens at Rainbow Bridge (Canada)
  • Joliet, West Park, Rustic Bridge and Spring House (Illinois, USA)

    Such a formal messge on a card mailed in 1937, with stamp and postmark.  Some postmark ink transfer on the front.  To be honest, we’re not certain this bridge is “covered” in the conventional sense but the design makes it look somewhat less than uncovered.  Grade: 2

    Code: 32500033

    Price: $1.00

    Joliet, West Park, Rustic Bridge and Spring House (Illinois, USA)
  • Oregon, Wintertime at Shand’s Bridge (Pennsylvania, USA)

    Unused “local” card dated 1967 and with a nice winter view of this covered bridge in the “Heart of Amishland”.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500034

    Price: $3.00

    Oregon, Wintertime at Shand’s Bridge (Pennsylvania, USA)
  • Generic (USA)

    It’s a nice photo on an unused card (Asheville K-15017) but unfortunately the poetic caption doesn’t identify the bridge.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500035

    Price: $0.50

    Generic (USA)
  • Philippi, Old Covered Bridge (West Virginia, USA)

    Curteich-Chicago linen card 3B-H1418, mailed in 1952 with two one-cent stamps and clear postmark.  Constant readers know we like to compare different cards of the same scene, so you might also see our entry 10149008 and spot the big difference.  Grade: 1 

    Code: 32500036

    Price: $2.00

    Philippi, Old Covered Bridge (West Virginia, USA)
  • Unknown location (USA)

    This unused card was produced in Vermont so it’s a fair guess the bridge is there too, though not otherwise identified.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500038

    Price: $1.00

    Unknown location (USA)
  • Schryer, Game Farm Covered Bridge No. 35-23-27 (Ohio, USA)

    Unused “local” card 143950, with serrated edges.  The caption gives detailed information; internet provides this:  “The Shryer Covered Bridge was built of multiple Kingpost truss construction in 1891; length of 65; was reconstructed in 1987 on the Shryer Egg Farm. The farm is located on Basil-Western Rd (Co. Rd 13) west of Baltimore off 256.” …and there are several ways of spelling Schryer.  The card is aging but clean.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500039

    Price: $2.00

    Schryer, Game Farm Covered Bridge No. 35-23-27 (Ohio, USA)
  • Winterset, Holliwell Bridge (Iowa, USA)

    Unused card whose caption explains how this bridge featured in the film “The Bridges of Madison County,” and how the bridge was built in 1880, how long it is, how many there were, and so on.  And yes, Winterset is in Madison County.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500040

    Price: $1.00

    Winterset, Holliwell Bridge (Iowa, USA)
  • West Windsor, Garfield Covered Bridge (Vermont, USA)

    Unused card of a bridge spanning the Mill Brook.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500041

    Price: $1.00

    West Windsor, Garfield Covered Bridge (Vermont, USA)
  • The Hizey-Visintine Covered Bridge (Ohio, USA)

    Unused card.  According to the caption, “Originally built by James Buchanan in 1891, it was rebuilt by James Visintine in 1991.”  Leading, of course, to two obvious questions if we cared to search:  (1) Who is Hizey, and (2) why did Buchanan’s name disappear?  Life has more critical questions than this, though.  Grade: 1

    Code: 32500042

    Price: $2.00

    The Hizey-Visintine Covered Bridge (Ohio, USA)