I said MAYBE and that’s FINAL!
Three of these unused Daco cards D-130 are available. Grades: 1
Don’t worry if you work hard …
Two of these unused Daco cards D-132 are available. As a side note (and this is an inside joke, you can safely skip it), our colleagues need to remember this. Grades: 1
I’m not in the habit of forgetting faces
Unused Cooper Postcard L-118. Grade: 2
It’s not a sin to be rich
Unused, showing signs of handling. Grade: 2
Five Muledeer
Unused E.C. Kropp card 9373N-W260. Grade: 1
Six months ago (USA)
Unused, with a vertical crease through the right side. Grade: 4
Hey, Dad! Forget the Babies . . . (USA)
Unused “local” card. Grade: 2
Stop … Hap Krahun … (Albania)
Happily the card has captions in Albanian and English (“Stop … Pull Over …”). Unused, Klea Kolor 96/3496. Grade: 1
There goes Roger .. Pulling another fast one!
Unused linen Curteich-Chicago card C-833 (5C-H1). Grade: 1
Next time we’re going first class!
Unused, heavily aged Plastichrome card P72005. Grade: 3
Greenlandic Cartoons II: Buuarsikkut (Boas & Co.)
Unused card G448 from Post Greenland. Google Translate doesn’t handle Greenland’s indigenous language yet, but the card makes its point clearly. The Danish part is easy to make out even if you don’t speak Danish. Grade: 1
There was a young lady from Norway … (England)
A limerick for the ages on this unused Bamforth & Co. card from their “Comic” Series, No. 133. Very mild aging. Grade: 1
Dos Amigos (Arizona, USA)
Unused card. Grade: 1
It’s a Dry Heat (Arizona, USA)
You want to know the origin of the name “Arizona”? It’s in the caption, maybe. Unused card. Grade: 1
Kisses from Arizona
Did you know what “gurning” is? Now, you do. Unused card. Grade: 1
Arizona Lifestyle (USA)
We idly wonder (no pun intended) how much he got paid to pose for that. Unused card. Grade: 1
$5 million Arizona lakefront home
Unused. Grade: 1
10 Montenegrin Comendments (Montenegro)
Surely not just in Montenegro. Unused card. Grade: 1
10 Montenegrin “Comendments” (Montenegro)
We mailed one of these to Hong Kong but it was stolen en route. Yours won’t be. Unused card, and three are available. Grades: 1
10 Montenegrin Comendments (Montenegro)
Basically the same as #30600299, just a slightly different design. Unused. Grade: 1
10 Crnogorskih Zapovijesti (Montenegro)
Like earlier versions in English and Chinese, but this time in Croatian. Unused. Grade: 1
Hermes: The god of commerce (Greece)
Unused. There’s a QR Code on the reverse and one can only guess what that would yield. Grade: 1
I’m suntanning in Florida (USA)
We don’t think this card was trimmed by anyone, so we’re not certain why “suntanning” gets cut off a bit. That, plus some remnants of tape on front and reverse top edge, put this otherwise unmailed card into Grade: 4-,
Slacker (France)
We believe this unused card was intended to be funny, but would understand if not everyone found it to be so. Lafayette Serie No. 032. Aging but clean. Grade: 1
Arizona Jackass (USA)
The ultimate back-handed compliment. To be fair, the reverse caption on this unused card also calls them burros. Grade: 1
…but it’s a Dry Heat (Arizona, USA)
This is a long-running joke between friend Kerry and us, highlighting one of so many differences between Arizona and Hong Kong. We will never, ever find a postcard touting Hong Kong’s “wet heat”. Unused. Grade: 1
3 More Payments (USA)
Unused card sourced in Arizona. Grade: 1
The local cider (England)
Mailed in 1983 with two stamps, bilingual airmail sticker, and postmark. Grade: 1
An eye for an eye
Though we don’t think this unused card is particularly funny, we didn’t know where else to put it because it needs a category. So here it is, waiting for you. Grade: 1
Atom Bomb
Unused, old Bamforth & Co. “Comic” Series card No. 431. Grade: 1
Funny how they follow …
Mailed from Inverness in Scotland in 1987, with two 13p stamps and postmark. J. Arthur Dixon card PHU 26612. Grade: 1
We are having a ripping time …
Unused, linen, Curteich-Chicago card 5A-H1563 (C-47). Grade: 1
Moose Mail
The instructions on the reverse of this unused card say to cut out the parts and assemble them. We idly wonder how many people care to do that? Grade: 1
And how do YOU know …
Comic postcards, saucy postcards, bawdy postcards … call them what you will, and we have plenty of them on the site, but it wasn’t until we inspected this one that we dug a little deeper into the history. We did that because, on this unused card, in the postage area a logo states “PASSED by the British Board of Postcard Censors,” and a quick Google search led us to the history — and banning — of several examples. We learn something every day, and when we saw the cards (not this one) that had been banned, we wonder how exact the criteria were. Grade:: 1
Tu es toujours …
We can usually manage French translations without online help but we wanted a bit of clarity for this one, and got none at all. Each service comes up with something different, and here’s one of them: “You’re always late, when you’re not wrong about the time.” Does that make sense? The Photochrom card 757 was mailed from France in 1962, with a nice large stamp and clear postmark. Grade: 1
Letzer Wunsch (Gerhard Glück) (Germany)
In English, the title means “Last Wish” and the caption on the unused Inkognito card 26057 tells you more. Grade: 1
New Yorker cartoons (link of 4)
Our scan shows two of the four linked, unused, smaller cards that appeared in The New Yorker in the 21st century mid-teens. So we’re offering all four as one set. Grade: 1