Showing 521–560 of 616 postcards

  • A Tribute to Teachers (Set of 4) (Hong Kong)

    Could there be a nicer gift for your postcard-or-stamp-collecting teacher?  Better than an apple!  From 2016, two sets of these unused cards are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600515

    Price: $11.00

    A Tribute to Teachers (Set of 4) (Hong Kong)
  • Great Wall (Set of 9) (PR China)

    Well, you won’t find these among the tourist stalls at Badaling or Mutianyu.  A set of nine maximum cards from 2016, for which our scan shows you the front cardboard cover and one sample card.  We’ll be happy to scan and e-mail the other cards if you want to see them.  The cards themselves have a textured surface and are about as classic as you could ever hope to find.  We went back to the issuing post office right after receiving these, but they were already sold out.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600516

    Price: $29.00

    Great Wall (Set of 9) (PR China)
  • 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics (Australia)

    Australia postcards are among our favourites, for their variety and colours.  Here’s a nice maximum card from there, for the 2016 Games.  (Postage pre-paid for international use, on the reverse.)  Unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600517

    Price: $5.00

    2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics (Australia)
  • Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet (Australia) (set of 5)

    A set of five unused cards, and at least you can see parts of each of them in our scan.  Issued by Australia Post, each card has pre-printed postage for worldwide mailing.  We’re not certain why they chose the letters ACLRT but if not these, then what?  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600518

    Price: $19.00

    Fair Dinkum Aussie Alphabet (Australia) (set of 5)
  • Australian Antarctic Territory, Ice Flowers (set of 4)

    From 2016, a set of four cards showing blue, grey, orange-blue, and light brown ice flowers.  Being official cards, they have pre-printed “Postage pre-paid” on the back, for worldwide use.  As a side note, we planned to call these “Collectible postcards” and then wondered if we were spelling that right … or should it be “collectable postcards”?  Off to Dr. Google, which came up with this:  “‘Collectable’ describes items able to be collected. (e.g., payments, keys). ‘Collectible’ describes items considered worthy of collecting by enthusiasts (e.g., coins, stamps).”  So, we suppose, both.     Grade: 1

    Code: 39600519

    Price: $16.00

    Australian Antarctic Territory, Ice Flowers (set of 4)
  • Military action (Set of 6) (PR China)

    Our scan shows you four of the six cards in this set, issued by China National Philatelic in 2016.  The other two cards of course have a similar theme and design, and if you want to see them, let us know.  QR code on the backs.  Unused, with Chinese-only captions, set MC-114.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600520

    Price: $12.00

    Military action (Set of 6) (PR China)
  • National Costumes (Set of 4) (DPR Korea)

    Set of four unused maximum cards, issued in 2016.  Apart from explanatory captions on the front, there are Korean and brief English captions on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600521

    Price: $9.00

    National Costumes (Set of 4) (DPR Korea)
  • Sun Yat-sen 150 birthday (set of 4) (PR China)

    Issued in 2016, this is an unused set of four maximum cards:  China National Philatelic Corporation’s set MC-115.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600522

    Price: $7.00

    Sun Yat-sen 150 birthday (set of 4) (PR China)
  • Changi Airport, Singapore – night view

    This and the next few cards in this series are in Maximum Card style, but with Philatelic postmark, and the cards are not official Government issue.  In this case, S.W. Singapore #S8214.  Postmark dates this card as 1985.   Unused, some aging.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600523

    Price: $4.00

    Changi Airport, Singapore – night view
  • Changi International Airport, Singapore – car parks around the controlling tower

    Continuing a series of cards in Maximum Card style, but with Philatelic postmark, and the cards are not official Government issue.  In this case, S.W. Singapore #S8131.  Postmark dates this card as 1982.   Unused, some aging.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600524

    Price: $4.00

    Changi International Airport, Singapore – car parks around the controlling tower
  • Night Scene of Changi Airport – Singapore

    We’re not certain how this series of cards came to be, but this one looks official — at least it also has pre-printed postage on the reverse, and no attribution of publisher.  The card is in Maximum Card style, otherwise unused, and the faint postmark on the front reads “82” (as in 1982).  Aging.  Grade: 2

    Code: 39600525

    Price: $4.00

    Night Scene of Changi Airport – Singapore
  • Control Tower, Changi International Airport – Singapore

    Another from this unusual series in Maximum Card style, an unofficial S.W. Singapore card S8119 with 1982 Philatelic postmark.  Unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600526

    Price: $4.00

    Control Tower, Changi International Airport – Singapore
  • Changi Airport, Singapore – panorama of the air traffic control tower

    Another from this unusual series in Maximum Card style, an unofficial Associated Marketing Agency card A69 with 1985 Philatelic postmark.  Unused, serrated edges.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600527

    Price: $5.00

    Changi Airport, Singapore – panorama of the air traffic control tower
  • Changi International Airport Building – Singapore

    Another from this unusual series in Maximum Card style, an unofficial S.W. Singapore card S8133 with 1982 Philatelic postmark.  Unused, aging somewhat.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600528

    Price: $4.00

    Changi International Airport Building – Singapore
  • Singapore Changi Airport

    Concluding this unusual series in Maximum Card style, an unofficial A&T International card (ATS 17) with 1982 Philatelic postmark.  Unused, serrated edges, aging somewhat.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600529

    Price: $5.00

    Singapore Changi Airport
  • Chinese Dinosaurs (set of six) (PR China)

    Nice set of six (otherwise unused) engraved maximum cards, issued by China National Philatelic in May, 2017.  Our scan shows you three of the six cards in the set; if you’re interested, we can scan the other three and the cardboard cover for your review.  Three sets are available.  Western names, but all other captioning is in Chinese.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600530

    Price: $19.00

    Chinese Dinosaurs (set of six) (PR China)
  • Ancient Chinese Paintings from the National Palace Museum: Immortal Blossoms of an Eternal Spring (II) (set of six) (Taiwan)

    Such a long title — and we have even abbreviated it — for a nice set of six cards, of which our scan shows you four.  Issued on 26 April 2017 by Chunghwa Post, and with a cardboard cover.  If you’d like to see the other two cards, please ask us.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600531

    Price: $19.00

    Ancient Chinese Paintings from the National Palace Museum:  Immortal Blossoms of an Eternal Spring (II) (set of six) (Taiwan)
  • Art (PR China) (set of six)

    Our scan shows you four of the six cards in this set, issued by China National Philatelic in 2017.  The other two cards are in a similar spirit, and there’s a cardboard cover (not shown).  Somewhat unusually, postmarks are not all the same.  Unused.  Two sets are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600532

    Price: $14.00

    Art (PR China) (set of six)
  • Innovation in Science and Technology (PR China) (set of five)

    We did our best to show you parts of all five cards in this 2017 set MC-118 from China National Philatelic Corporation.  There’s also a cardboard cover (not shown), and three sets are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600533

    Price: $11.00

    Innovation in Science and Technology (PR China) (set of five)
  • Composers (set of four) (PR China)

    The scan shows one full card and parts of the other three in this unused set MC-117 from 2017.  If the signatures aren’t clear, you have Franz Schubert, Gustav Mahler, Frederic Chopin, and Franz Liszt.  Why these four?  Why does China do this?  Only they know.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600534

    Price: $10.00

    Composers (set of four) (PR China)
  • Cambodia/PR China joint issue (set of two)

    Issued in 2017 with (PR) China National Philatelic as the lead sponsor, each of the two maximum cards in this set has a stamp and postmark corresponding to the correct country.  It’s PRC set MC-119.  Unused.  Two sets are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600535

    Price: $9.00

    Cambodia/PR China joint issue (set of two)
  • Maximum Cards of Modern Ink-Wash Paintings (set of four) (Taiwan)

    Our scan shows you the outer cardboard cover (lower left) and two of the four cards in this 6th September 2017 unused set from Chunghwa Post.  Each card gives the artist’s name and describes the artwork in English and Chinese.  The other two cards not shown are of a similar style.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600536

    Price: $12.00

    Maximum Cards of Modern Ink-Wash Paintings (set of four) (Taiwan)
  • Geoparque Açores (set of four) (Azores)

    Set of four official maximum cards (references BPA – 190 through 193), captioned in Portuguese and issued in 2017.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600537

    Price: $14.00

    Geoparque Açores (set of four) (Azores)
  • Year of the Rooster 2017 – Lunar New Year cards (maximum cards)(set of five)(Macau)

    Sorry for the disorganised scan but we wanted you to see at least part of each of the five (unused) cards in this annual set from Macau.  Captioned in Chinese and Portuguese (Ano Lunar do Galo). these represent the various natural forces of the Year of the Rooster.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600538

    Price: $22.00

    Year of the Rooster 2017 – Lunar New Year cards (maximum cards)(set of five)(Macau)
  • Ruas e Ruelas Antigas (set of 8) (Macau)

    Our scan shows you four of the eight maximum cards in this set from September, 2015.  The other four are similar.  Each card is captioned in Chinese and Portuguese, and has the respective street’s name.  Macau Post’s reference:  BPL 187-194.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600539

    Price: $29.00

    Ruas e Ruelas Antigas (set of 8) (Macau)
  • Mt Chilbo and Ullim Falls (semi-maximum cards) (set of two) (DPR Korea)

    We call these “semi-maximum” because the stamps on the respective fronts of these 2017 postcards are large and frankly beautiful, but they are uncancelled.  Captioned in Korean and English on the reverses, and no additional postage printed there.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600540

    Price: $9.00

    Mt Chilbo and Ullim Falls (semi-maximum cards) (set of two) (DPR Korea)
  • Ano Lunar do Cao (Year of the Dog) 2018 (set of 5) (Macau)

    This confused scan shows at least some of each of the five cards in this set.  It’s official Macao Post’s series BPL 223-227, and the cards represent each different phase of the new year (metal, water, etc.)  Captioned in Chinese and Portuguese.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600541

    Price: $25.00

    Ano Lunar do Cao (Year of the Dog) 2018 (set of 5) (Macau)
  • Dream of the Red Chamber, a Masterpiece in Classical Chinese Literature (III) (set of four) (PR China)

    This is a beautiful set of four cards, issued by China National Philatelic in April 2018, of which our scan shows two pieces plus the cardboard cover.  The other two cards are in a similar style.  As a side note, Dream of the Red Chamber is one of the most famous (and most accessible) works of Chinese literature.  Two sets are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600542

    Price: $14.00

    Dream of the Red Chamber, a Masterpiece in Classical Chinese Literature (III) (set of four) (PR China)
  • Mouse (PR China)

    There’s a considerable back-story to this unused card, and we are absolutely unable to explain it.  We consulted Hong Kong friends who said, in effect, nobody in Hong Kong now really understands this calendrical cycle well.  It’s apparently an old tradition in Mainland China.  Please don’t hold it against us that we can’t go much further than this, but the (Chinese-only) text on the reverse caption sounds something like “Mao Zi”.  It’s China Post’s card MC(E)-9 and postmarked 2008 but only went on sale in the Shenzhen post office in 2018.  Confused?  Not just you!  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600543

    Price: $3.00

    Mouse (PR China)
  • 600 Anos do Descobrimento do Arquipelago da Madeira (Porto Santo)

    Set of four unused cards from June 2018.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600544

    Price: $12.00

    600 Anos do Descobrimento do Arquipelago da Madeira (Porto Santo)
  • Pontes (set of three) – Azores, Lisbon, Madeira (Portugal)

    In this set of three maximum cards from 2018, one features the Azores, one of Lisbon, and one of Madeira, using Europa stamps.  Unused.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600545

    Price: $9.00

    Pontes (set of three) – Azores, Lisbon, Madeira (Portugal)
  • Ancient Chinese Art Treasures – Blue and White Porcelain (Set of 4) (Taiwan)

    A set of four maximum cards issued by Chunghwa Post Co. on 15th November 2018.  The cards are as you see, enclosed in a cardboard sleeve that also provides technical details (in Chinese).  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600546

    Price: $14.00

    Ancient Chinese Art Treasures – Blue and White Porcelain (Set of 4) (Taiwan)
  • Fine Arts Works (Set of 4)(semi-Maximum)(DPR Korea)

    First, the title for this set was assigned by DPRK, not by us.  Second, we call them “semi-Maximum” because they lack postmarks.  This unused set of four cards unusually has bilingual Korean/English captions to explain the legends on the front, as for example “Let us attain the grain production goal without fail by expanding the area of land under two-crop farming!”  Indeed.   Grade: 1

    Code: 39600547

    Price: $22.00

    Fine Arts Works (Set of 4)(semi-Maximum)(DPR Korea)
  • Ancient Towns of China III (set of 4) (PR China)

    You may compare this set of four maximum cards with our entry 20307863, as it’s the next in the series.  Our scan shows at least part of all four cards along with the cardboard cover holding them.  Issued by China National Philatelic in 2019 with series reference MC(E)-20.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600548

    Price: $10.00

    Ancient Towns of China III (set of 4) (PR China)
  • Trains (PR China and Spain) (set of two)

    A joint issue between PR China and Spain, though China-based, with China National Philatelic set reference MC(E)-21.  Issued in June 2019.  QR codes on the backs of the cards.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600549

    Price: $12.00

    Trains (PR China and Spain) (set of two)
  • Cha (Tea), Azores (set of three)

    Official CTT maximum cards BPA-200, 201, and 202 from June 2019.  Unused.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600550

    Price: $12.00

    Cha (Tea), Azores (set of three)
  • 70th Anniversary of China-Slovakia Diplomatic Relations (set of two)

    One might think this was an odd topic for a set of maximum cards, but here it is nevertheless:  a set of two cards jointly issued by PR China (set MC-123) and Slovakia in October 2019, with two different dates on the respective Chinese and Slovak stamps.  Unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600551

    Price: $6.00

    70th Anniversary of China-Slovakia Diplomatic Relations (set of two)
  • Ancient Thinkers (II) (set of six) (PR China)

    Our scan shows the cardboard cover and two of the six (otherwise unused) cards in this set MC-124 from China National Philatelic.  (The other four cards are in a similar style.)  Cards are captioned in Chinese only, and have QR Codes for your further enlightenment.  Two sets are available.  Grades: 1

    Code: 39600552

    Price: $12.00

    Ancient Thinkers (II) (set of six) (PR China)
  • Poetry of Hanshan and Recluse Pang (Huang Ting-chien) (Maximum Cards) (set of four) (Taiwan)

    The cardboard cover and one representative card from this brilliant set of four maximum cards, which should appeal greatly to calligraphy fans.  The other three cards are in a similar style.  Issued by Chunghwa Post co. on 29th May 2019.  Captioned in Chinese and English.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600553

    Price: $12.00

    Poetry of Hanshan and Recluse Pang (Huang Ting-chien) (Maximum Cards) (set of four) (Taiwan)
  • Blue and White Porcelain (set of four) (Taiwan)

    Our scan shows the cover and two of the four maximum cards in this September 2019 set from Chunghwa Post.  The other two cards are in a similar style, and all are captioned in Chinese and English.  Grade: 1

    Code: 39600554

    Price: $12.00

    Blue and White Porcelain (set of four) (Taiwan)