Showing 81–120 of 196 postcards

  • Hosli & Ricardo (Switzerland)

    These are musicians, and this is an ad card–for them, not for the beer.  Mailed from Switzerland in 2012 with three different stamps and postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200103

    Price: $1.00

    Hosli & Ricardo (Switzerland)
  • Home of Shirley Temple (California)

    Looking for an early Shirley Temple postcard?  This C.T. Art-Colortone linen version OB-H542 (810) was mailed in 1941 with stamp, and clear postmark.  Grade: 3

    Code: 31200105

    Price: $3.00

    Home of Shirley Temple (California)
  • Bruce Lee

    From a series of unused cards of various Hong Kong films and actors.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200106

    Price: $5.00

    Bruce Lee
  • Maja Tvrdy, badminton (Slovenia)

    We don’t always include home-produced postcards but are happy to make an exception for this professionally-done card of (and personally autographed by) a championship badminton player from Slovenia.  The card was mailed in 2013 from Ljubljana with two stamps, postmark, and A Prednostno label.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200107

    Price: $3.00

    Maja Tvrdy, badminton (Slovenia)
  • Clara Barton, Civil War Heroine (USA)

    Unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200108

    Price: $1.00

    Clara Barton, Civil War Heroine (USA)
  • Buchsenmacher Rosi

    We Googled her–a real person, on this card mailed from Vienna in 2013 with stamp, postmark, and Priority label affixed.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200109

    Price: $1.00

    Buchsenmacher Rosi
  • Kaiser Leopold I (J. Thomas)

    Talk about looking rude in drag … card of the Emporer in a theatre costume in 1667.  Mailed from Vienna with stamp, postmark, and Priority label.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200110

    Price: $2.00

    Kaiser Leopold I (J. Thomas)
  • Sigmund Freud with Chow

    Do you collect Sigmund Freud postcards?  Why not?  Was it something your mother did?  This card came from the Freud Museum in Vienna, and was mailed with stamp, postmark, and Priority label.  You’ll feel guilty if you don’t buy it.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200111

    Price: $2.00

    Sigmund Freud with Chow
  • Sigmund Freud

    “What’s on a man’s mind?”  Card was mailed from Netherlands but the stamp wasn’t cancelled.  Grade: 4

    Code: 31200112

    Price: $2.00

    Sigmund Freud
  • Emperor Nicholas II (Russia)

    Captioned in Russian and English, this card was mailed from St. Petersburg in 2013 with stamp and large, full postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200113

    Price: $2.00

    Emperor Nicholas II (Russia)
  • William S. Beardsley

    Thanks to the caption on this unused card, we know it dates from 1949 or later, though unaccountably not where Iowa’s state capitol actually is.  That’s easy enough to find out.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200114

    Price: $2.00

    William S. Beardsley
  • The Beatles – Uniformity

    Unattributed and captioned entirely in English, telling of a coffee break in November 1963, this card was however mailed from China in 2013 with stamp, postmark, and two small extra stickers.  Grade: 4

    Code: 31200115

    Price: $2.00

    The Beatles – Uniformity
  • Kobe Bryant 24 (set of 32)

    No need here to describe who Kobe Bryant is, but we want to tell you this set of 32 unused cards illustrates most clearly how China felt about him.  We doubt that it’s authorised but if you collect Kobe Bryant memorabilia, how can you resist?  It’s only $1 per card.  See also entry 31200116B.   Grade: 1

    Code: 31200116A

    Price: $32.00

    Kobe Bryant 24 (set of 32)
  • Kobe Bryant 24 (set of 32) – reverse

    See 31200116A for description of this set, produced for domestic sale in China.  The reverse cover shows some, not all, of the 32 cards.

    Code: 31200116B

    Price: $32.00

    Kobe Bryant 24 (set of 32) – reverse
  • Girls’ Generation (set) – front

    Girls’ Generation (So Nyeo Shi Dae) is a South Korean group formed in 2007, at one time with nine members:  Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, and Seohyun.  Now are those the same as the ladies on these cards?  We’re not quite in the target market so we don’t know, but this set of 32 unused cards (possibly 21 of them appear in scan 31200117B), made in PR China (not Korea!), should satisfy true fans.  Ask for the postage rate.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200117A

    Price: $22.00

    Girls’ Generation (set) – front
  • Girls’ Generation (set) – reverse

    See 31200117A for description.

    Code: 31200117B

    Price: $22.00

    Girls’ Generation (set) – reverse
  • King Bhumibol, formal coat (Thailand)

    Continuing a series of unused Thai royal family postcards.  They do not have captions:  you are expected to know.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200119

    Price: $2.00

    King Bhumibol, formal coat (Thailand)
  • Marilyn Monroe

    Marilyn Monroe postcards are popular.  Apart from the freaky colour, what makes this one stand out is that it was mailed from The Netherlands, with stamp and postmark.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200130

    Price: $1.00

    Marilyn Monroe
  • Guy Lombardo

    Unused but highly aged B&W Mutoscope postcard.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200131

    Price: $3.00

    Guy Lombardo
  • Lawrence Welk

    Unused but highly aged B&W Mutoscope card.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200132

    Price: $3.00

    Lawrence Welk
  • Dolly Parton

    An unused Mike Roberts card C32882 from 1979, with some stains on the reverse.  Grade: 3

    Code: 31200133

    Price: $2.00

    Dolly Parton
  • Elvis Presley (arcade card)

    1960s?  His signature is printed on the front, barely visible in white.  Blank on the back.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200134

    Price: $4.00

    Elvis Presley (arcade card)
  • Wendell Corey (arcade card)

    Cards like these came from vending machines in the 1940s and 50s.  Blank on the back.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200135

    Price: $3.00

    Wendell Corey (arcade card)
  • Burt Lancaster (arcade card)

    Cards like these came from vending machines in the 1940s and 50s.  Blank on the back.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200136

    Price: $3.00

    Burt Lancaster (arcade card)
  • Morton Downey (arcade card)

    Cards like these came from vending machines in the 1940s and 50s.  Blank on the back, aged.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200137

    Price: $3.00

    Morton Downey (arcade card)
  • Bob Drake (arcade card)

    Cards like these came from vending machines in the 1940s and 50s.  Blank on the back.  This one is a little thinner than most.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200138

    Price: $2.00

    Bob Drake (arcade card)
  • Keely Smith (arcade card)

    Brief biographical details are printed on the back of this aging arcade card.  Grade: 3

    Code: 31200139

    Price: $3.00

    Keely Smith (arcade card)
  • Sue Thompson (arcade card)

    Two of these unused but heavily aged arcade cards are available.  They have biographical information printed on the reverse.  Grades: 3

    Code: 31200140

    Price: $3.00

    Sue Thompson (arcade card)
  • Norma Phillips (arcade card)

    Norma Phillips, “Our Mutual Girl,” goes so far back that even Google is sparse with information about her.  The heyday was 1914-1915.  Unused, aging arcade card.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200141

    Price: $3.00

    Norma Phillips (arcade card)
  • Kay Kayser (arcade card)

    Unused arcade card with some kind of blotch on the reverse.  Grade: 3

    Code: 31200142

    Price: $2.00

    Kay Kayser (arcade card)
  • James Arness (arcade card)

    Unused arcade card, blank on the back.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200143

    Price: $3.00

    James Arness (arcade card)
  • Ethel Davis, Hippodrome Theater (arcade card)

    Google isn’t giving up much of anything about Ethel, but this unused arcade card from the Hippodrome Theater in San Francisco is the real thing.  Blank reverse.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200144

    Price: $6.00

    Ethel Davis, Hippodrome Theater (arcade card)
  • Johnny Carson

    If by chance you don’t know who Johnny Carson was, he was one of the most famous TV personalities in the USA for many years.  If you wrote a fan letter to his studio, you got this card back:  typed address, postage meter (in this case, from 1968), and faux-handwritten message.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200145

    Price: $2.00

    Johnny Carson
  • Ezra Kendall in “The Vinegar Buyer”

    An early, unused version of an arcade card, but it’s printed as an undivided back postcard.  Wikipedia tells us some of what we wanted to know about Ezra Kendall: “… an American actor-comedian, humorist, playwright and author who was known for his depiction of typical New England Yankees. During his time in vaudeville Kendall was said to have been among the highest paid monologists in America.”  Grade: 3

    Code: 31200146

    Price: $4.00

    Ezra Kendall in “The Vinegar Buyer”
  • Taiwan Centennial, Dr. Sun Yat-sen

    As the founding father of the Republic of China, and a highly polarizing figure even today, Sun Yat-sen really got around and made the most of his life.  He lives on in this unused card, cut into the shape of Taiwan and in its original packaging.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200147

    Price: $6.00

    Taiwan Centennial, Dr. Sun Yat-sen
  • Mark Twain (USA)

    The bookstore is in Virginia City, Nevada.  The unused card 0115 is from the “Virginia City Series”, proudly printed in … Hong Kong.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200148

    Price: $1.00

    Mark Twain (USA)
  • Juha Kankkunen, Rally World Champion (Maximum Card) (Finland)

    Unused Maximum Card no. 27, issued on 10 May 1995.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200150

    Price: $7.00

    Juha Kankkunen, Rally World Champion (Maximum Card) (Finland)
  • Paris, Visit of Queen Elizabeth, 2004

    Unused 5-1/8″ x 7-1/8″ card, captioned entirely in French, commemorating the visit of Queen Elizabeth to Stohrer’s Bakery in 2004.  Slightly smudged on the reverse.  Grade: 2

    Code: 31200151

    Price: $4.00

    Paris, Visit of Queen Elizabeth, 2004
  • David Bowie and Tokyo Pop bodysuit (Victoria & Albert Museum)

    A short sequence of unused cards from London’s Victoria & Albert Museum, this one of David Bowie’s Tokyo Pop bodysuit for the Aladdin Sane tour.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200152

    Price: $3.00

    David Bowie and Tokyo Pop bodysuit (Victoria & Albert Museum)
  • David Bowie, self-portrait (Victoria & Albert Museum)

    A short sequence of unused cards from London’s Victoria & Albert Museum, this one of David Bowie’s self-portrait for the album cover of Heroes.  Grade: 1

    Code: 31200153

    Price: $3.00

    David Bowie, self-portrait (Victoria & Albert Museum)