Showing 41–53 of 53 postcards

  • U.S. Highway Shields

    Mailed from the US in 2013 with three different stamps (one uncancelled) and postmark.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600041

    Price: $2.00

    U.S. Highway Shields
  • Oklahoma, Route 66

    As the caption on this unused card says, “Oklahoma is home to the longest driveable stretch of Route 66”.   Grade: 1

    Code: 38600042

    Price: $2.00

    Oklahoma, Route 66
  • Route 66 in perspective (Oklahoma)

    Unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600043

    Price: $2.00

    Route 66 in perspective (Oklahoma)
  • Interstate 70 (Kansas, USA)

    Cute caption on the reverse of this unused card, reminding all and sundry that “Contrary to popular belief, Kansas is not ‘flat’.”  Well, compared to Colorado, it is.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600044

    Price: $2.00

    Interstate 70 (Kansas, USA)
  • Famous Maine sign post (USA)

    Mailed from Augusta (alas, not seen to be international) in 1978, with 10-cent stamp and postmark.  Slight smudging on the reverse.  Grade: 2

    Code: 38600045

    Price: $2.00

    Famous Maine sign post (USA)
  • Route 66 sign

    Maybe not old, but among Route 66 postcards, one of the most obvious.  Unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600046

    Price: $1.00

    Route 66 sign
  • Midland Mall, Warwick (Rhode Island, USA)

    Unused “local” card 38724, showing “Rhode Island’s most modern shopping center”.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600048

    Price: $2.00

    Midland Mall, Warwick (Rhode Island, USA)
  • Wanchai, Hennessy Road street sign (Hong Kong)

    From a series of unused cards that don’t have captions.  Because we live here in Hong Kong, we have filled in some of the gaps to let you know where the pictures were taken.  For this one we’re certain, since we are typing this description just up the hill from there.   Grade: 1

    Code: 38600051

    Price: $1.00

    Wanchai, Hennessy Road street sign (Hong Kong)
  • To Kwa Wan, bus stop signs (Hong Kong)

    From a series of unused cards that don’t have captions.  Because we live here in Hong Kong, we have filled in some of the gaps to let you know where the pictures were taken.  No matter where you are, you need to navigate these signs to get where you’re going.   Grade: 1

    Code: 38600052

    Price: $1.00

    To Kwa Wan, bus stop signs (Hong Kong)
  • Route 66 (Arizona, USA)

    Yet another among Route 66 postcards, unused.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600053

    Price: $1.00

    Route 66 (Arizona, USA)
  • Baldwin St., Dunedin (New Zealand)

    Two unused cards showing what claims to be the world’s steepest street (gradient 1 in 1.266).  Who could resist a Google search of that??  Not us!  Aha!  We learned one thing in marketing:  if you ever claim to be the “…est” of anything, someone will come along to challenge you.  New Zealand has had a bad patch recently, so we are cheering for you to hold that title.   Grades: 1

    Code: 38600054

    Price: $2.00

    Baldwin St., Dunedin (New Zealand)
  • Greetings from Arizona – State Line sign

    Classic Large Letter design on a contemporary, unused card.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600055

    Price: $3.00

    Greetings from Arizona – State Line sign
  • Ohio State Line (USA)

    Not all states have such prominent (or postcard-friendly) state line signs.  But this unused card gives the scene the prominence it deserves.  Grade: 1

    Code: 38600056

    Price: $3.00

    Ohio State Line (USA)